A Call For Prayer For Peace! August 8, 2006
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According to Esu Immanuel Sananda’s words written in the Phoenix Journals, August 8, 8 BC was his birthdate in Bethlehem in the present land controlled by Israel. Today, this land is torn by strife and bloodshed, as greed, hate and revenge abound. Esu Immanuel came 2014 years ago to bring Truth and Peace to a troubled world occupied by the Roman Empire.
Over these many years nothing has changed in the “Holy Land” and in our entire world. There is still strife and bloodshed, as greed and hate and revenge still abound in a world controlled by an evil “Roman Empire”. Let us answer again this call for prayer, and especially on his birthdate of August 8, let us honor the Prince of Peace by praying and petitioning Creator God Aton of Light and the Realms of Heaven for peace to be finally established, now, on Earth Shan. It is time! Let I be so! It is done!
Happy Birthday, Sananda!