Dramatic New Wave of U.S.Human Rights Violations
They estimated that between 1,000 and 2,500 males, some as young as 16, were spending their fourth day locked up in what they called inhumane conditions after voluntarily presenting themselves at immigration offices to register under new anti-terrorism rules.
[2] http://www.msnbc.com/news/849720.asp?0cv=CA01 U.S. alleges ring sent cash to Iraq $12 million wired to Baghdad; suspect says it went to aid suffering Iraqis WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - A dozen individuals who violated a U.S. trade embargo against Iraq by funneling at least $12 million in cash and commodities to a person living in Baghdad have been indicted on money-laundering charges, federal officials said Thursday. "Those who hide in the shadows of the financial world are learning that they cannot hide any longer," Treasury Undersecretary Jimmy Gurule said at a news conference to announce the indictments.
... (U.S. Customs Service Commissioner Robert) Bonner acknowledged that investigators have not found evidence that any of the money or commodities ended up in the hands of the Iraqi government, but he added, "We can't rule it out. Our investigation is continuing." And he said that even money sent in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to individuals living in Iraq indirectly aids Saddam Hussein's regime by easing the financial pressure brought to bear by U.N. sanctions. "We are serious about investigating and prosecuting anyone who violates the embargo against Iraq," he said.
[[Note this appears to be a follow-up to raids earlier this year, where families were investigated for the 'crime' of sending money to their grandparents in Iraq. In Minneapolis, a 12-year old girl was held at gunpoint while her home was searched. "Standard procedure", officials said. See http://www.casi.org.uk/discuss/2002/msg00265.html ...]]
[3] "They came for the 'suspected terrorists', and I didn't object - For I wasn't a 'suspected terrorist'; They came for those of Middle Eastern descent, and I didn't object - For I wasn't of Middle Eastern descent; They came for the dissenters and activists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a dissenter or an activist;
Then they came for me -
And there was no one left to object."
[Original by Martin Niemoller, 1892-1984, a Protestant pastor in Nazi Germany;
updated by Doreen Miller, at http://www.yellowtimes.org/print.php?sid=444]