(Oct. 10, 2010)
Sober Thought Provoking Essays
"The tea party movement is about saving the country from a mountain of debt
that is devouring our country and I think could lead to chaos." Rand Paul
A Philosophy for the Tea Party Movement
Whatever your opinion of the Tea Party movement, all should agree the mainstream media’s characterization is less than objective. Descriptions are all over the map. Claims of dark motivations behind the phenomenon or criticism of strategy and tactics stream endlessly from the establishment pundits. The constant assault from vested interests is the current method of maintaining political control. They fear any authentic grass roots endeavor, to dump the political trash, from the cesspool of chummy cronyism. Alas, a controversy that the common man and woman can partake, with a sense of making a difference.
Citizen participation in the shaping of public policy is heresy to the gatekeepers of the elitist fiefdom. But how effective can the proponents of the Tea Party marvel expect their efforts to alter the institutional sacred cows of a dysfunctional regime that manipulates all levels of American government? The answer to that question requires an understanding and grounding in political realities. Knowing the difference between what is possible and what is merely a nice touchy and feely dream is the challenge.
Raw power politics is not for the faint of heart. Without a solid and pragmatic philosophy for the practical goals of a movement, all that will survive at the end of the day is greater frustration and despair. In the Inherent Autonomy essay, Party Goers - What Do You Take With Your Tea?, concludes, "The Tea Party is a revolt from elitism. Liberty is the ultimate cherished personal goal that is a core reason for the founding of America".
In order to wage a war against entrenched leeches, a consistent doctrine of purpose is imperative. The undisputed strength of the Tea Party movement is that it is a spontaneous and widespread interpellated influence. Naturally, political parties desire to infiltrate citizen groups. It is no surprise that the GOP is often seen as managing the message for their own benefit. Hijacking the cause is a real danger. It is happening on several strata’s of organization. The best way to defend against internal sabotage or external scorn and defend the ideals of the Tea Party spirit is to conceive a basic consensus on core principles.
It is imperative to keep it simple. The focus must never waiver from the tax abuse theme. T.E.A. = Taxed Enough Already rings true. Everyone is sinking in the same boat of induced poverty. Everybody should seek relief from this mutual pain. Yet those who benefit from the social welfare system of government theft resist a belated transformation. Accepting the "dole" is the value ethic of government defenders. That is why the ranks of public employee unions repel from the Tea Party threat to their ill-gotten gains.
The fact that the federal government does not rely upon collecting taxes to pay for their excessive empire is evident with the souring deficits, financed by foreign largesse. A disconnect of this magnitude, fuels the common sense outrage of Tea Party advocates.
The return to honest money underpins all other issues. The financial markets are talking loud and clear as gold hits another high as priced in Federal Reserve notes. Yet, one does not live by bread alone. The 10 Principles of Belief present a general outline of basic themes that propel the Tea Party movement. Their counterpart the 10 Practices to Oppose identifies the broad vision of government excess.
Principles of Belief
Practices to Oppose
Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the original intent of the US Constitution
Judicial arbitrary activism, Legislative arrogance, Executive unaccountability
Reduce the size and limit the scope of the Federal and State governments
Continuous expansion of government and micromanagement bureaucracy
Protect New York State sovereignty as ensured by the 9th and 10th Amendment
Federal supremacy fallacy, uncontrollable general welfare and commerce clauses
Reduce the deficit, balance the budget and a restore Constitutional sound money
Unchecked and unnecessary spending, borrowing and debasement of the currency
Replace the burdensome and unfair US tax laws that destroy the middle class
Capricious tax obligations, “special interest” exemptions and burdensome reporting
Defense of a Free Market System that encourages economic wealth creation
Corporate/State economy, outsourcing globalism, NAFTA GATT, Wall Street monopoly
Protect and preserve traditional 2nd Amendment rights
Restrictions on means of personal self-protection, federal control of state Militia
Institution of Term Limits as a means to address political corruption and accountability
Permanent incumbent culture, dominance by two party, corporate candidate donations
Restoration of a society that reflect Jeffersonian respect for Western Civilization
Secular humanism, global treaty mandates, world currency, assault on time-honored values
Natural Rights of citizens are eternal; arbitrary governments forfeit legitimacy
Arrogance and criminal conduct of Central Government tyranny and Presidential Despotism
The Tea Party philosophy is indistinguishable from the outcries that inspired the American Revolution. Limit the dialogue to fundamental precepts by de-emphasizing social issues, race, ethnic differences and religion. Free Speech is the cornerstone of political discourse; but for conservative perspectives to be heard and evaluated, the message needs to attract and persuade a broad spectrum of the electorate. Tea Party substance deserves a clear proactive and discernable voice in the marketplace of ideas. K.I.S.S. wins the debate.
The universal threat to the Republic is from Totalitarian Collectivism. Many hard working and fatigued families are not equipped to research and compare political ideological philosophies, much less develop an original school of thought. Our Founding Fathers were not perfect, but compared to the entrenched political class of today, they were inspirational heroes.
A citizen participation model for Tea Party organization is the newly created Naples TEA Party Patriots. As this project grows and enters into coalition alliances, the strategies will consistently reflect the philosophy of individual sovereignty. Personal egos and agendas often defeat noble efforts to restore sensible government. Tip O’Neil was correct. "All politics is local". You cannot get more local than the hundreds of Tea Party community groups acting together to advance a comparable objective.
Consider adopting the proposed draft of the NTPP Mission Statement.
The mission of the Naples Tea Party Patriots is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens in an effort to return our state and our nation back to the vision of our Founding Fathers.
That includes a return to smaller government that is fiscally responsible, based upon genuine free enterprise and markets, fair and minimal taxes and restricted government intrusion.
We recognize and support the strength of a grassroots organization, using activism coupled with civic responsibility at the local level.
We recognize essential God given truth, morals, and principles on which our country and state believes, the cornerstone purpose being the preservation of individual Liberty.
We hold that the United States is a Republic, and government authority comes from the consent of the people, entrusted in the hands of term-limited officials.
We recognize the sovereign rights of the States and the People, as set forth by the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
We support the original Bill of Rights, with emphasis upon property rights, the right to keep and bear arms and freedom of religion and speech. At all times we shall promote the freedom and liberty of the people of New York above all else.
At the recent October 2, 2010 Watkins Glen Tea Party Rally, long time activist Bob Schulz informed and invigorated a group of 450 enthusiasts. Their exuberance is well placed, because the waking up process is irreversible. Mr. Schulz advocates the petitioning for right of grievances. The Tea Party philosophy, as professed by NTPP, strictly adheres to a non-violent course, when confronting the tyranny of a government that has forgone any claim to legitimacy.
No wonder the rats are jumping ship and getting out of Dodge. Political pressure is the only language that gets the attention of public officials. Armed with righteous outrage and equipped with a rational and moral philosophy, the Tea Party brigade is marching into the corridors of power with the scent of victory in the air. Such an optimistic viewpoint is seldom displaced on BREAKING ALL THE RULES. The reality of the New World Order is horrendous for humanity. The clock is running down. The fate of America rests in the balance. The last best hope is for an enormous critical mass to explode and implode the ruling class. Tea Party members are in the vanguard of this second American Revolution. Their philosophy is America at her best.
SARTRE – October 10, 2010