TAO - The Hug Queen
I am so tired of being told....
You can eat this, it is good for you or don't worry about that, it is for your safety or even, and this is my favorite, don't worry about what is going on over seas, it is not here and you will all be fine. You know what, we will not be fine.
We will not be fine when the radiation from Fuk-U-shima comes more inland than it already has. We will not be find when all of our crops are grown by Monsanto's hand, we will not be fine when all of our water is full of flouride or better yet, the lakes and ponds have dried up from the government hoarders and the mass consumers. We will not be fine when you take our children from us and brainwash them to YOUR ways.
I am TIRED of being told everything will be fine...
It angers me to think that so many people out there are blinded to all of this. They continue on with no cares, no worries. They take in this brainwashing BS and just continue on with their lives. This has got to stop. These plans to destroy all of us has got to end. Their drills, their subliminal messages, their stock piling... HAS GOT TO STOP.
The more research I find.. the articles, public laws, the video of testimonies are angering me more and more each day. I can not say "I just don't give a fuck anymore, they will do what they want". That is not me. I will not keep silent, I will not comply with their agenda.