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Manning and Snowden peace prizes from Ask FactCheck

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July 31, 2013

------ Forwarded Message

From: " Editor" <[email protected]>

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:34:20 -0400

To: <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: New submission from Ask FactCheck


Dear Dawn,


It is true that both Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Bradley Manning was nominated in 2012 <> and 2013 <> . Snowden was just nominated <> by a Swedish professor, but as his name was submitted after the February 1st deadline, he may not be considered for this year’s prize. According to a Politico article on the subject, “The Nobel Peace Prize website  <> says the committee may sometimes add nominations to the list accrued by Feb. 1, but once names are whittled down into a shortlist, the nomination process is closed. Nominations after the deadline are usually considered the following year.”


The winners of the 2013 Nobel prizes will be announced in October.


Madeleine Stevens

Undergraduate Fellow,


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