However, having him make such a speech for a handful of people associated with American Free Press newspaper for the No More Wars For Israel conference held in southern California in October is newsworthy, to say the least.
Certainly most people would respond with ‘No Way’ when presented with such a piece of news, asking rhetorically why someone as important as Ahmadinejhad--who literally is headline news across the world on a daily basis would be willing to take time out of his schedule to sit down and record such a speech for a relatively small group of people gathering in Southern California. The fact of the matter nevertheless though is that indeed this did take place and the proof of this fact can now be found on the internet as the President’s speech is (as of the time of this writing) now being viewed by thousands of people around the world.
Recognizing that the nation of Iran was (and is) clearly in the sights of the warmongering Neocons intent upon destroying the entire Islamic world, the organizers of the No More Wars For Israel conference thought that giving the Iranian president the opportunity of exercising his God-given right of freedom of speech (without having his remarks being deliberately taken out of context as has taken place thousands of times by the Zionist media in America and throughout the West) might be in order, given current events. Thus, he was contacted a few months before the scheduled date of the conference through a 3rd party in Iranian media who works with the President on a regular basis.
The request had originally been for Ahmadinejhad to appear in person at the conference. The word coming back however was that although he was honored at such a request that unfortunately he was too busy to make such a trip. What he offered to do instead was to videotape the speech he would have given had he appeared in person, the transcript of which follows below--
“In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate…Lord, we pray for the return of the Savior, Messiah and Mahdi…
I extend my greetings to all of you gathered to establish peace and prevent invasion and war, the thinkers and sympathizers who have had enough of the world’s present conditions and who are willing to expend every effort to bring about a better world with the help of your thoughts, voices and spirits.
As you know, the Almighty did not create man to live in war, hostility and vengeance…He did not make man to spend his time in hardship, exile, deprivation, enmity and antagonism such as is prevalent in our era…God created man to live in this world in a friendly, intimate atmosphere, an atmosphere of love based on monotheism and justice. He created man to establish by means of his own will and by guidance of the Almighty a prosperous, creative and ideal society.
However, down through history, despite the missions and guidance of the prophets and despite the endeavors of reformers and sympathizers there have been the evil doers. These egocentric, avaricious and hostile currents have stood against righteous men and against the message of friendship and love in order to distort man’s understanding of the facts and tempt him to indulge in selfishness and evil desires. They want humanity to deviate from the right path. They want to smother man’s finer instincts and prevent the realization of good will.
We have seen numerous clues throughout history that point to the presence, domination and performance of these groups in human society. Today, human society still suffers from such individuals and governments, those who cannot be satisfied with their own portions alone, but who can only visualize prosperity through the deprivation and destitution of others. They see their own advancement through the backwardness and impoverishment of others. In order to progress, they strive to rule other nations and by sowing seeds of discord among them, consolidate their own domination.
The best example of such is the racist, Zionist regime. The Zionist regime is by origin a fabrication. It is a racist regime for the sole benefit of a certain number of people who totally lack origins or roots in the land of Palestine. They are devoid of any legal, national or identity bonds with the Palestinian land. The regime has defined for itself special unique rights which cannot be adjusted. They are attempting to maintain their illegitimate interest and those of their supporters via massacre and violation of the rights of the Palestinian people on a daily basis.
Through sedition and deceit they have attempted to brainwash the people of the United States and Europe. They are an incredibly sophisticated party of political racists. In fact, they are an anti-human party, a party that in principle refuses to take into consideration the welfare, happiness and hope of nations.
Watch their behavior--they don’t believe in any religion. When among Christians, they don Christian vestments in order to dupe the Christian community, thereby gaining control of their societies, and then they do the same when among the Jewish community. They use Judaism to portray themselves as innocent to gain control of the Jewish community. Thus, they pave the way to violate the rights of other nations. They don’t believe in any faith. Essentially, they don’t believe in any values, either human or divine. They look after their own interests. They pursue power and control over the main global centers. How they have committed grave crimes for the past 80-100 years and it is almost impossible to find any contemporary war in which they have not played a major part…
The reader will note that the opening remarks from the ‘Hitler of Iran’ (as Ahmadinejhad is portrayed in the self-absorbed and juvenile-minded Zionist press) referenced Jesus, the Messiah, whom all Muslims expect will return at the end of time for the defeat of evil, certainly a huge departure from the propaganda that gullible American Christians are fed on a regular basis concerning the ‘inherently anti-Christian’ nature of Islam.
Unfortunately, during the transmission of the video over the internet from Iran, the last 3 minutes of the speech did not arrive. However, based upon the information relayed to this reporter by the aforementioned Iranian media official, at one point in the final 3 minutes of the speech President Ahmadinejhad holds up a copy of American Free Press newspaper (of which he is said to be a loyal reader) and announced something to the effect that ‘If the American media did what this paper does every week in exposing the truth, the American people would not find themselves in the unfortunate position that presently occupy.’
In the meantime, this reporter is busy hammering down the details for an upcoming interview with Ahmadinejhad for American Free Press newspaper where he will be given the opportunity of saying whatever he wishes to say, not only to the American people, but indeed to the entire human race concerning the issues that all are facing today regarding the cancer of Zionism and the serious danger it portends for the peace and security of all people worldwide.
2007 Mark Glenn
Correspondent, AFP
Originally appearing in American Free Press newspaper
The author can be reached at [email protected]
Video of Ahmadinejhad can be viewed here