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Backroom Senate Deal Threatens Wolves and Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark Executive Vice President Defenders of Wildlife

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It could happen under the cover of darkness.


Vital protections for our wolves, manatees and precious wildlife and wild places could be eliminated by one of the most anti-environment Congresses in recent memory.

Protect our wildlife! Tell your Senators that any comprehensive spending bill for the federal government should ensure vital funding for conservation programs and be free of anti-wildlife provisions.


Right now, your Senators are back in their home states. But when they return to Washington in just a couple of weeks, they’ll begin work on a catch-all spending bill for the federal government that could spell disaster for our wildlife.


The House of Representatives has already made their stance on wildlife protection clear.


  • Anti-wildlife Representatives have larded up the Interior spending bill with proposals that undermine imperiled species and the Endangered Species Act.
  • They’ve slashed funding for national wildlife refuges and other core conservation priorities.
  • And they’ve proposed legislation to end Mexican gray wolf recovery efforts and prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from keeping dangerous pesticides that threaten human health and wildlife out of our waters.


We’re fighting each and every one of these damaging provisions in the House. And, thanks to your efforts, we’ve already defeated one of the worst attacks on our wildlife: the Extinction Rider that would block vital protections for walruses, wolverines and other imperiled species.


Unfortunately, all of our hard work could be undone if anti-wildlife Senators manage a backroom deal to include any of the House of Representatives' awful anti-wildlife provisions in a comprehensive spending bill for the federal government.



Please take action now. Tell your Senators to stand up for wildlife and keep America’s natural treasures off the chopping block.


I’ve been in Washington, DC long enough to know the risks of backroom deal-making, and I know – like you – that these attacks on our natural heritage have no business in a bill to fund the federal government. 


Take action now. Write your Senators today before it’s too late.


With Gratitude,


Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife Jamie Rappaport Clark

Executive Vice President

Defenders of Wildlife

[email protected]