Obama Declares War on Conservatives
Steve Ellijott
From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Grassfire.org Alliance
After reading the just released DHS intelligence report, it's clear to me that President Obama views conservatives as enemies of the state. In fact, he views us as "domestic rightwing extremists."
If you haven't yet read this insane report, do so by clicking below:
According to this report put out by DHS secretary, and open- borders stalwart Janet Napolitano, anyone who opposes big government control or who opposes "single issues" such as illegal immigration, abortion, gun control, homosexual marriage, the current financial bailouts, and literally a host of other issues could be considered a domestic rightwing extremist!
According to this report, our Founding Fathers would be considered domestic rightwing extremists!
That being the case, we are indeed in excellent company.
Standing up for what we believe in because we love
this nation is our right, and something I will
continue to do regardless of what label Janet
Napolitano and her liberal cohorts want to fix to me.
But as a citizen, I'm also not going to let these
irresponsible attempts to criminalize our efforts
go unchallenged, and I'm urging you to do the same
by clicking here:
We have a right to stand up for the unborn. We have a right to demand secured borders. We have a right to own a gun. And we have a right to speak out...
Speak out with me right now by sending personalized faxes to DHS secretary Napolitano, President Obama and the House and Senate Homeland Security committees.
Click here to schedule your faxes for fast delivery:
I want to see her office awash in tens of thousands of faxes from rightwing extremists who love their nation!
Using our exclusive FaxFire fax system is the most efficient way to make a big impact on this issue, however if you prefer sending the faxes on your own, we've made the list of fax targets and sample letters available for download simply by clicking here:
Regardless of which delivery method you choose, speak up and out about this baseless, and hateful report.
++ Call the DHS Public Comment Line
After scheduling your personal faxes, please follow up by calling the DHS Public Comment Line and let them know what you think of their report.
Here's the number: 202-282-8495
As a fellow rightwing extremist, I appreciate you answering my call to patriotic action!
Steve Elliott, President
P.S: Finally, forward this message to your 20-25 fellow rightwing extremists urging them to follow your lead--by clicking below, and scheduling their faxes as well:
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Grassfire.org Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to Grassfire.org are not tax deductible.
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