You Might Be A Terroriist If....
Barbara Peterson
Well, here it is folks, straight from the horse’s mouth. The Department of Homeland Insecurity has determined that the “Current Economic and Political Climate [is] Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” So, I reckon it’s my civic duty to help these folks figure out just who they’re on the lookout for.
You might be a terrorist if….
You get your potatoes from the backyard.
You clean your shotgun on the front porch.
You can count on one hand the number of times you go to town in a month.
You live in the country and like it.
You don’t believe that a building can turn into dust with only minor damage.
You don’t believe everything you hear on Fox News.
You have a Ron Paul for President bumper sticker.
You listen to Alex Jones.
You think that the Constitution is more than toilet paper.
You believe that your government is supposed to work for you, not against you.
You’ve actually read the Declaration of Independence and believe it.
You believe that illegal alien means just that – illegal.
You’ve lost your job.
You’ve lost your home.
You’re a Christian.
You’re poor.
You store food and water.
You believe that the “New World Order” is a reality, and not just some conspiracy theory.
You believe that the U.S. should be able to make its own products.
You’re a veteran.
You live alone.
You are on the Internet.
You don’t believe in Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction.
Now you have it folks. I hope this short list helps. Feel free to add to it, as these folks need as much help as they can get.
© 2009, Barbara H. Peterson
Author's Bio: Barbara H. Peterson is retired from the California Department of Corrections, where she worked as a Correctional Officer at Folsom Prison. She was one of the first females to work at the facility in this classification. After retirement, she went to college online to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Business, and graduated with honors. The most valuable thing she received from her time with UOP was a realization that her life's passion is writing. Now her business degree sits in her desk drawer, and she counts herself in the category of Writer/Activist. Someday she will make money writing, but that is not why she does it. "I do it because I must. A driving force compels me to reach out to others with what I learn about the condition we the people are in, and that is what I devote my time to. After all, time is the most precious thing we have, and the older I get the more I want to use it wisely." Barbara lives on a small ranch in Oregon with her husband, where they raise geese, chickens, Navajo Churro sheep, Oggie Dog, a variety of cats, and an opinionated Macaw named Rita. She believes that self-sufficiency and localization of food sources will be necessary to survive the coming depression. To this end, she has put up a website to share information at: http://survivingthemiddleclasscrash.wordpress.com. Her philosophy is this: You are on this earth for a reason - to fight for the light. Your words are swords that penetrate the darkness with truth and light. You have a purpose.