Muhammad Khurshid
New President of the United States Barack Obama has all the qualities of becoming a peace model for the whole world. Americans have chosen the right person for the right job. Now the whole humanity is crying for peace. I think there is no need for Obama to do work as his desire for peace is enough for saving the world from further destruction.
There are still people who have been trying for the war to continue in the worl--as they have been earning money in the war. Actually they see no place for themselves in the peaceful world. There are a lot of media outlets and organisations favouring death and destruction. It is regrettable to note that there are lot of human rights organisations, who can rightly be held responsible for death and destruction in the world.
Rulers of Pakistan will always act according to the wishes of US rulers as they reach for the corridors of power with the support of US administration. The only wish of Obama will be enough for bringing peace to tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border.
Obama should tell the Pakistani rulers in clear terms that he does not like the cries of women and children. He should make it clear that he wants smile on the faces of innocent women and children. I think the tears of a helpless woman or child can cause great damage to the whole world.
This is my belief: that the world is facing failure in the "war on terror" due to wrong policies of rulers. The rulers can still restore the peace and save the humanity from further destruction. Corruption is the root cause of terrorism. Therefore, this menace should be controlled. If the rulers of Pakistan cannot control the situation then they should be shown the doors. Millions of tribesmen and Pakistan consider Obama as their hero. He is natural peace model.
Author's Bio: Muhammad Khurshid, a resident of Bajaur Agency, tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border is journalist by profession. He contributes articles and news stories to various online and print newspapers. His subject matter is terrorism. He is also heading Voice For Peace working against terrorism in tribal areas. The aim of the Voice For Peace is restoration of peace in Bajaur Agency, tribal areas and whole world. He is looking for freelance and correspondent work from media organizations, to cover the part of the world where Al Qaeda and the Taliban are most active.