REMEMBERING…the all-important business of killing each other?
Or the first peace demonstration of modern times…?
“…On December 24, 1914, strange things were happening in the battlefield trenches…
…That evening, they sang out Christmas carols in German to their enemies across the muddy no-man’s land. The British troops responded by singing Christmas carols in English. The camaraderie escalated and soldiers on both sides began to leave the trenches, mingling and exchanging gifts of whisky, jam, cigars, chocolate and the like…
…This mass outbreak of peace on the front alarmed the high command on both sides…
…An atomic Sword of Damocles hung over our heads, making conventional warfare a thing of the past…
…The march of war continued through
…Yet in the final analysis, war isn’t about remembering, but dismembering – separating people from their families and homes, and even their life and limb…
…The Cold War may be over, but we’re still in a hair-trigger situation, especially with the
…Preemptive strikes predate the Bush administration by thousands of years and arms races are older than
…The late British scientist Jacob Bronowski described war as “organized theft.” Wars don’t always begin with plunder, but they have nearly always ended with it, whether it was Carthaginian slaves, Incan gold, Nazi rocket scientists, coastal African diamonds or Iraqi oil…
…on the battlefield in 1943-45, he found that, on average, only 15 percent of the trained combat riflemen fired their weapons at all in battle. The rest did not flee, but they would not kill – even when their own position was under attack and their lives were in immediate danger.”
Military psychology has spent decades determining what it takes to build the perfect warrior. The shaved heads, the drills, the sleep deprivation and the verbal abuse of basic training are meant to break down the pre-existing character and create a blank slate for military programming…
…“The primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living…
…never before in history have so many people been linked together, with so much potential for collective awareness. And in spite of any efforts of politicians, policy wonks or police, our information technologies may have reached the stage where they cannot be fully controlled from the top down. With increasing cynicism over traditional sources of media, much more hope is being pinned on cyberspace…”
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