Declaration of Cease-Fire
All Governors of the united States of America;
All Adjutant Generals of the united States of America;
All Senators and Members of the House of Representatives;
All members of the Executive Branch of the United States of America
All Supreme Court Justices
We, the Ground Commanders of the Galactic Federation, in concord with the Forces of Light and the People of Earth, find it incumbent upon ourselves to declare an immediate and perpetual cease-fire of all hostilities and subsequent withdrawal of all occupying forces in the Middle East commencing December 15th, 2004 and continuing until such time that planet-wide recognition of this declaration may take effect and all provisions fully implemented.
Any individuals, regardless or rank or stature, found in violation of this Declaration of Cease-Fire will be held in violation of a Galactic Federation Field Order and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Galactic Law and the laws of the land.
Basis in Fact
Whereupon finding irrefutable prima facie evidence indicating:
Execution of Iraqi invasion was based upon fabricated evidence;
Ongoing occupation is in violation of local, domestic, and international law;
Unconscionable and egregious human rights violations fulfill definition of crimes against humanity;
Elections goal for Iraq to be superfluous;
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to be nominally nonexistent;
No imminent or immediate threat by Iraq existent to justify a self-defense preemptive strike;
Al Qaeda to be an extension of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);
War on terrorism is predicated on events of 911 not fully investigated and true terrorists are not openly identified;
To the Joint Chiefs, Generals, Admirals, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and soldiers
With the orders given to you to carry out this war being adjudicated as illegal orders, you are hereby ordered to stand down. Recognizing that the orders issued to you for execution of this war were fraudulent on their face, you have a moral and legal obligation to cease and desist carrying out the fraudulent orders and to comply with a stand down in this matter. A well-established principle of law states that fraud has no statute of limitations, and its presence vitiates any and every contract, agreement, or order from its very inception. Those orders for aggressive military action in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Middle East are hereby revoked, rescinded, and repudiated. The original orders were fraudulent on their face, as has now become apparent, as full disclosure was not provided.
Continued execution of an illegal order is a dereliction of duty. You have a responsibility to yourself, your troops, and to the American people via their bona fide elected representatives. Given that the election of November, 2000 and the subsequent election of 2004 were fraudulent, those continuing to issue you orders are not true representatives of the American people and their direction has no basis in fact. This document, by those undersigned as direct representatives, gives greater cause for validity to this order.
We make demand upon you to terminate aggressive actions. We will invoke the doctrine of estoppel by acquiescence, because we can prove that your fiduciary responsibility to your soldiers to not unnecessarily put them in harm’s way imposes upon you a legal and a moral duty to answer, and your silence or lack of compliance can hence be construed as a fraud. By now being given due notice, you have no choice but to respond with an immediate cease-fire and subsequent withdrawal. "Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading." See U. S. v. Tweel, 550 F.2d 297, 299 (1977), emphasis added, quoting U.S. v. Prudden, 424 F.2d 1021, 1032 (1970). See also Carmine v. Bowen, 64 A. 932 (1906).
This Stand-Down Order is pertinent and applicable to all American and Allied military forces. All occupation forces are required to disengage and begin the implementation of a timetable for complete withdrawal from occupied territories of the Middle East and simultaneous handover and transition of all duties and responsibilities to the humanitarian aid organizations.
A peace treaty for all countries of the Middle East will be forthcoming.
Do not test the resolve of the Galactic Federation.
Whereupon, we find that the above actions violate domestic and international laws not excluding:
Constitution of the united States of America
United Nations Charter Article 2(4)
Geneva Conventions I, II, III, IV
Protocol I
U.S. War Crimes Act
Posse Comitatus Act
Nonproliferation Treaty
Nuremberg Charter, Judgment and Principles
Int’l Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Int’l Convention Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
Convention against Torture
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Hague Regulations on Land warfare
Hague Rules of Air Warfare
Kellogg-Brand Pact
Genocide Convention
Uniform Commercial Code
National Security Act of 1947
U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10 (1956)
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
And whereupon finding the united States governing bodies—legislative, executive, and judicial branches to be ineffectually compromised with no recourse to petition a higher authority, we, the undersigned, having determined standing and cause of action, take it upon ourselves, in due course, to issue this declaration, in absentia, to those executing said activities around the world.
Concurrent with this declaration is the demand for an immediate investigation, motion for conviction, and move for deliberate prosecution of individuals who contributed to, undertook, participated in, and perpetrated these crimes for violations, stare decisis, res judicata, not excluding:
Conflicts of Interest
Obstructions of Justice
Breach of Faith
Breach of Trust
Breach of Contract
Breach of Fiduciary Responsibility
High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Violation of Oath of Office
Dereliction of Duty
Planning a war of aggression
Preparing a war of aggression
Initiating a war of aggression
Waging and committing a war of aggression
Violations of Human Rights
Violations of Civil Rights
Crimes against Humanity
Crimes against peace
War Crimes
Insider Trading
Actual Fraud and/or Constructive Fraud
Mail Fraud
Election Fraud
Fraud in the Contract
Fraud in the Factum
Fraudulent Concealment and Execution
Non-Disclosure of Material Facts
Criminal negligence
Criminal facilitation
Criminal conspiracy
Conspiracy to subvert
Wrongful incarceration
Accessorial abetment of murder
To the People of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East
All of the people of planet Earth are victims of this senseless war. When one of us loses, we all lose. A true investigation of 911 never occurred. We are sorry and we apologize for these devastating activities which you have experienced. We, your fellow brothers and sisters of light, will do everything we can to repair the damage and right the wrongs which have been committed. Those responsible for these illegal crimes will be held accountable.
We, the undersigned, in support of this endeavor and to add strength and validity to its cause, affix our full name, city, state and zip to this declaration. We now call upon the United States of America Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military, Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch to abide by these demands, the provisions of this declaration, and the petition for judicial proceedings with open hearings before the people of the United States of America and the world.
We intend to circulate this to the entire globe and continue to acquire signatures until this matter is completely resolved, even if it requires 6 billion signers. Please circulate this far and wide. Do not worry about duplicates. We want as many signers as possible. This will serve as a petition to World Court, the U.N., and all legal bodies on planet earth giving the Galactic Federation the legal means to participate in these proceedings.
[Please feel free to cut and paste and forward this with a link to everyone you know. If outside of the United States, please put your country and related info in the “Comments” section. Permission is hereby granted for translations to all other languages and we welcome signatures from all countries of the world. We all have cause for standing and we are all on this planet together!]
The Undersigned
View Current Signatures
The Declaration of Cease-Fire Petition to The People of Earth was created by and written by Daniel Robert Rezac ([email protected]). This petition is hosted here at http://www.petitiononline.com/petition.html as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.
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Ashtar On Dan Rezac's Declaration of Peace
Through Susan Leland
The Galactic Federation has inspired the one, whom I call, Dan the Man, in all Love and Honor, the one who would be President, with a new political party, the one who is willing to step out. Oh he is fully protected, make no mistake of that, but still when an individual steps forth, it can be an awesome experience, as I'm sure you all know, when you stand and speak your truth. There can be a little bit of wondering, am I really safe in doing this.
This one has gone past all fear, and he has given a Declaration, and a Cease Fire, and stand down order, on behalf of the Galactic Federation, to your military and to your government. Now we will not pretend that it will be instantly obeyed, but it will be heard. It will be read. And he's offering it to the people in the form of a petition, which all can sign. It will be coming, watch for it. There are some here who have already signed it. This petition is to go around, and around and around your world.
You think that you are in a minority, because you want Peace and Love to be the way of life upon this planet? No you're not the minority, not anymore, and this petition will give all an opportunity to see that. When you see waves and waves of humanity signing it, you will know, and what's just as important is, they will know. This is what you call the exit order. We have painted the picture before of the characters on the stage playing their roles, and this comes from your history, and your drama, your theater, your entertainment worlds. And all of a sudden, out from behind the curtain someone stands with a long hook, or crook, and they gather those who are on the stage and remove
them. This appears in your cartoons many times. This is history.
Well, this petition will have that effect. This will be what you call the recall from the stage, and it will be a catalyst in shifting up into higher
vibrations for your entire planet. It will be a catalyst in bringing about the Peace upon the planet that is so much desired. It is an opportunity for the people to speak up, and say "no more war, no more killing, no more power and control games among countries". "We'll stand together and honor the Divinity that we all are".
Imagine there's no countries. Now what that is talking about is not taking away the sovereignty of the individual nations. What that is talking about is taking away, or doing away, or shall we say, voluntarily giving up the rivalry between countries, giving up that which you call competition, giving up all thoughts, of well I want their lands and I have more soldiers, so I'll just go ahead and take it, and help myself to their oil, and all that Mother Earth has in her treasure trove in this place while I'm at it. This will stop! It will stop now!
This declaration speaks for the Galactic Federation. This Declaration is not unlike your Declaration of Independence. There are many similarities. Read them both and see for yourselves. And if you feel a stirring of Joy, a stirring of excitement, a stirring of self-empowerment when you read your Declaration of Independence, [ http://www.fourwinds10.com/news/05-government/G-US-constitution/2004/05G-09-08-04-declaration-of-independence.html or at http://www.PetitionOnline.com/1600Penn/petition.html ] it is a beautiful, beautiful document, you'll feel it with this one too, of which we are speaking. And when you read the crimes that King George was accused of, you can compare them to the crimes that King George is accused of. Uh haa! Oh huh, Brilliant. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! Brilliant. Yes, ha, ha, ha ! Oh, sometimes our humor is quite obvious, and sometimes it is a bit more subtle. At any rate, enjoy them both, ponder them both.
We're back to the roots of this country, with your Declaration of Independence, and see your country and your world's future, and indeed your solar system, and your galaxy, and the Universe in this new Declaration by Daniel Rezac. This is important!!! You might have noticed that we are spending a few moments of your time upon this. This is important!!! Daniel is Family, and he is putting himself out there on behalf of all of humanity. He represents not just, we the people of the United States of America, he represents all, men, women, and children, of the human race, and he represents all of the kingdoms of Mother Earth, in doing what he is doing.
And so if you have not guessed it already, we are going to ask that the Beam Team assist. We are going to ask that when you receive this Declaration in your computers, you will send it on to those you know with Love. Please attach Love for all of humanity to it as you send it. You can do that, you know how, just beam it. It is coming from the highest frequencies, and we ask that you assist it in staying in those frequencies. You see when Love abounds, that's a lovely word isn't it? And it does imply dancing and being joyful, and that is what Love is.
When Love abounds in any situation, it keeps the frequencies up, and you feel on the heart level and above. You feel the energies of that Love even as you read words on a paper, or you hear, or you make music yourselves. When you add that Love ingredient, you empower whatever it is that you are doing, or reading, or thinking, or saying. You open doors with it. You walk through situations, or perhaps we should say, you glide or, even fly through situations with grace, and with ease, and with compassion.
And beloved Family, if there is anything that is going to be needed, that is needed now in your time, it is compassion. It is difficult to forgive,
particularly the atrocious actions, which have been taken by your leaders, the most cowardly, and base actions that you can imagine. Here are those who pretend, pretend, to represent you, who feed you lies and treat you with such utter disrespect and contempt, that your words are not even consulted anymore, upuntil now. They speak to the world, and they represent to the world, that you are in agreement with them. And all of this is going on, and it is about to stop.
So this is your opportunity to shine forth and say, "no". "We are not aggressors". "We are not war mongers". "We do not agree with the actions that have been taken", and it's an opportunity to stand up and say, "We will no longer support a leadership, just because they are in the leaders' seats". And when you do that, the Light shines very brightly upon them. And what happens is, you give them an opportunity to come to the Light, but at the same time, you are putting the Light upon them, and all of their deeds, so what happens?
You may be aware, but those around you may not be. And we ask that you teach Compassion and Forgiveness, by example, by your thoughts, and by your words, and by your actions. Now this is a difficult assignment, but let me tell you something, you are all up to it. You are all imminently qualified. There is not one of you who will not shine as a leader. Well didn't you think that perhaps being a member of the Beam Team involved being a leader? Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! Let's get that out right now on the table. You are all asked to be leaders. Uh hm! Beaming Love is the most important thing that you have to do. "
Excerpt from Ashtar's Message December 2, 2004 Olympia, WAGiven through Susan Leland
© Susan Leland 2004. All rights reserved, however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is
acknowledged and that no part is altered.
Here is the link to the petition:
http://www.petitiononline.com/1600Penn/petition.html (If you want your website address to show, put your URL in both website
"How is it that we are supporting our troops by sending them off to get killed? If you think this is acceptable, then please disregard this message. If you believe that there is something wrong with what is happening, then please read and sign this. It is the ultimate way to support our troops." - Dan Rezac