The World Needs a New Gandhi
Fran F.
Resistance is not futile. Resistance is the only thing that makes sense if we wish to uphold the simple right to a life that is not controlled in every aspect by corporations, business, and the economy. Since the government is also a corporation, it is not government per se that controls us, but business itself, concepts of buying and selling. While you weren't looking, we have morphed into the Ferengae, that ugly race of deformed dwarfs on Star Trek, whose sole purpose in life is business, often quoting the "Principles of Acquisition" which guide and define their lives as they finagle ways to cheat you while they smile in your face.
There are those among us who object to being forced to morph into this ugly creature. The right to free choice of how we will live our lives is being taken from us day by day, until soon we will all be so regimented that you will look back upon this day as a time of great freedom, even though it is not, even now, what the hope and promise of this country could be. We've been taken over, without our consent, by people who have the power to kill us, take our homes and threaten our families, destroy our reputations, and chemically bend our minds.
If you do not believe that any of this is happening in this country at this very moment, read on and consider.
There was a time when people simply "lived," doing on a daily basis all the things that were necessary to sustain life: hunting for food, growing food, raising kids, making shelter and clothing, etc., living a tribal life. Even in this country, for many generations people lived on farms and continued doing most of these things themselves. It was not necessary to "be a productive member of society," working for someone else. One worked for oneself, feeding one's family, simply being "alive" and sustaining that life. If there was food left over, perhaps it was taken to market and sold or exchanged. But the selling or exchanging was not the primary purpose of living. "Life" was the purpose of living.
We are very far from these concepts today. We have been trained, or sold a bill of goods, that our purpose in living is to work for someone else and "contribute" our labor to someone else's interests. Those "someone elses" are the industrialists, the people who own the mega-corps which are gobbling up other business behind the scenes and creating monopolies, getting all the monetary eggs into a very few baskets, controlling what products are allowed to come to market and what aren't (there is no such thing as a free market economy), controlling the stock market (there is no such thing as a free market) so that they make even more money, and herding the rest of us in the direction that they, not we, want to go. Being "productive" means helping the rich keep the wheels of the economy turning. In return for this, we get money, with which we buy food and whatever else we need to survive, along with lots of toys and gadgets that we don't need, not making any of those things ourselves. Our food supply and our survival needs are no longer in our own control. Someone else does all that.
As more and more family farms have failed and agribusiness has taken over, as people have left the countryside and moved into cities, most of the people in this country now work for someone else, not themselves.
I am going to say right now that having all this in someone else's hands might be OK if those someones cared one damn about us. They don't and have proven they don't. I'm going to give you a list of ways they have proven they do not care about our health and well being. If you don't already know these things, consider this a moment of enlightenment. If you are just learning this and find it difficult to believe, you will need to do a little research to prove these things to yourself. Most importantly, you will need to contact your Congressional representatives and ask them 1) what they know about this and 2) what part they had in the creation of this.
Let's take a stroll in the present and see some of the stuff that is going on behind your back, with no one asking you if you want these things to be done, nor informing you that they have been done. What happens is that when the time comes, you will have no choice, unless you resist now.
1. Think about Gitmo. Think about tasers. Think about our government's attitude toward torture.
2. Think about sickness and dying. Consider the ways in which our government and industries are helping us get sick or die on a daily basis by poisoning our air, water, and soil: Chemtrails, industrial poisons; industrialists refusing to clean up industry or to provide us products that are clean, dragging their heels on change, restricting beneficial goods in the marketplace.
3. Think about dying some more. Think about the ways in which we are poisoned on a daily basis: pesticides sprayed by crop dusters on those mega-farms producing our food; chlorine and fluoride in our water; food animals shot up with antibiotics and other drugs; food additives and preservatives that have no biological value.
4. Think about how automobiles and the transportation industries continue to give us products that poison our air, water, and soil, even though they have known for sixty (60) years that they are a major contributor to global poisoning.
5. Think about how the marketplace is controlled so that a 100 mpg carburetor, which has existed since the 1960s, has not been allowed to be manufactured. Would this help? Yes, with the oil problem. Would it help with the poison problem? No.
5a) Do we have a large bicycle-riding population in this country, as in China? No.
5b) Do we have a large scooter-riding population, as in Italy? No.
5c) Are we allowed to drive electric golf carts to the grocery store? No.
5d) Are other products suppressed that would help alleviate global poisoning? Yes. You will have to research this to find out what has been suppressed, and what inventors have been bought out, threatened, or outright killed.
6. We have been turned into guinea pigs for scientific research: The drug industry, which our FDA seems to have lost control of completely, so that now drugs are released into the marketplace, where consumers become the test subjects, instead of the other way round, where drugs should be fully tested before they are released, with consumers being safe in using them. This problem is getting worse, not better. I suggest you just stop taking any drugs at all and take your medical problem to a natural healer.
7. We have been turned into guinea pigs for weapons of mass destruction: Chemtrails; Gene-modified foods.
7a) Chemtrails: Researchers have identified a long list of ingredients in them, including unknown proteins, barium and aluminum. Aluminum, of course, is implicated in causing Alzheimer's disease, so when those long, long (not jet contrail) lines appear in the sky, know that whatever is in them will end up in your food, water, soil, and on YOU if you're outside. You'll have to ask your Congressional representative about chemtrails. Mine don't seem to know anything at all, but you might ask them how such a massive project going on in every state in the Union, potentially harming the health of so many people, can be going on without their knowledge. See what they say. Then you'll know whether to call them a liar or not.
7b) Gene-modified foods: These foods are being allowed to be created in laboratories, and sold to farmers, although no one has a clue how biological life, including people, will be affected by them. Some GM crops, which our government has declared safe for humans, have been modified so that they will accept heavy doses of pesticides without killing the plant. There are studies showing that those foods actually combine with certain digestive enzymes in the human body, producing toxic substances in our systems. Either this is a "mistake" and the scientists didn't understand what they were creating, or else it is a deliberate creation which will get our own bodies to manufacture the poisons that will either kill us or make us sick. Sickness does not benefit us, but it may benefit the drug industry. You might want to ask your Congressional rep about this, why business is allowed to do these things at all when they are harmful.
8. Terminator seeds. Varieties of plants have been engineered in laboratories so that farmers cannot store seed for next year's crop. Because of a manmade genetic manipulation, the seed produced by this year's fruit turns off its reproductive ability. Farmers or home gardeners must then buy new seed from manufacturers each year. Wow. Thousands of years of agricultural practice is thrown out the window and the right to nature's own continuation is taken from you. Just imagine if something happened at the seed company, maybe all the seeds become contaminated. How could anyone plant any crops? Wouldn't we all starve? You might want to ask your Congressional rep why these seeds are being allowed to be fabricated. I've heard that farmers in Iraq will be required to buy them. This is some pathetic Ferengae scheme meant to harm people and put money in Monsanto's pockets. There can be no earthly good purpose for this.
9. We have been turned into guinea pigs for mind control: At the very least we have all been brainwashed, trained, sold a bill of goods, fooled, and lied to, to get us to salivate over products in stores, without being informed that every single industrial process produces poisons, which our EPA allows to be released into our air, water, and soil. They will tell you that these poisons are very small, in "parts per million," and that they don't hurt you. You might ask your Congressional rep why the entire Earth is poisoned and making us sick if these very small amounts of industrial poisons don't hurt us.
All our modern "economic life" produces poisons, so while you run in your guinea pig cages working for someone else, you actually contribute to those poisons. You might want to think about what you can do instead, to earn your living.
10. ID chips to be implanted under our skin, without which we will not be able to drive a car, get on a plane, receive our own Social Security which we worked for and the government took from us. You don't believe this one? Ask your Congressional rep. If we decline to be implanted, we will not be able to get our own Social Security money. Sounds like outright theft to me. It certainly is coercion in a most blatant form. This is grounds for a gray revolution, grandmas and grandpas in the streets. This is pathetic, and our government is trying to get this put in force!
11. A NAFTA superhighway bisecting the country, running from Mexico to Canada, offloading Chinese ships without inspection at Mexican ports, trucking goods through the US in trucks that will be allowed to violate US pollution laws. This is a Ferengae deal if ever there was one. The whole purpose of this is to move those poisonously-produced industrial goods freely across our borders, so that rich industrialists will get richer, our air, water, and soil will be more polluted, and there will be more junk in our stores for us to salivate over in our trained-response way.
12. Our FDA keeps trying to declare vitamins, herbs and garlic to be drugs so that we can't buy them freely. What will Italian cooks do? Are we being forced to get permission to grow herbs in our own gardens? Ask your Congressional rep what possible good this can be, other than putting money in the pockets of whoever will have to write us a "prescription" for Vitamin C, and taking from us our right to make choices about our own health. Is this meant to force us to go to AMA doctors, pay exorbitant prices, get put on drug industry drugs? What is the possible purpose of this?
13. A North American Union, dissolving the USA, revoking citizens' rights, abrogating the Constitution and putting it in the trash. This is an economic scheme. It is meant to dissolve borders so that all the poisonous industrial products of the world can freely flow from country to country, without citizens having any say about what comes into their territories. The rich get richer. You get sicker. Did your representative sell your state into this scheme? You might want to ask them about that.
14. And now government wants to privatize everything, from water systems to public roads to national parks. These things, built with your tax dollars, will be sold to private corporations to run. Doesn't that piss you off? You paid for these things already. You own them. The government will sell them without your permission. If the government sells them, shouldn't you get some money back on the deal, some of the profit? Public roads will be turned into toll roads. You will have to pay to ride on roads you already paid to build. This is theft.
And what will the government do with the money? Our government sure seems able to lose track of a lot of money, explained by statements like, "We don't know what happened to it. It's just gone."
15. And now I must address the question of the military, which is totally out of control. Our system is set up so that the rich take part of our money at gunpoint (taxes, with threat of fine or jail) and give half of it to the military. We now have the largest military in the entire world, which continuously imagines, designs, and builds ever more horrendous weapons. Not only do we now have microwave and laser weapons, depleted uranium projectiles and bunker-busting nuclear as well as regular old nuclear bombs … as if those aren't bad enough … now there are SCALAR weapons which have the capacity to cause hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and disrupt weather patterns as a weapon. This is done with your money, behind your back, without your knowledge. You can tell your Congressional rep that you don't want your money being spent for such destructive ends, but I get this feeling that the military is not under Congressional control. Try it anyway.
I believe our current president was quoted as saying, on seeing the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina: "What a weapon!" with awe in his voice. What could he have meant by that? Could he have meant that we had just demonstrated a scalar weapon by causing Hurricane Katrina and destroying New Orleans? Ask your rep. They will deny knowledge of any such thing. However, this is exactly the kind of in-your-face stuff our government has been doing for years now, which is why this list exists!
Folks, we can't eat microwave weapons. We can't educate our children with battlefield nukes. All of this is a waste of good public money. Consider the following:
Who are we going to use these atrocious weapons on? What country are we going to nuke into oblivion, releasing poisonous radiation, with a poisoning power that lasts THOUSANDS of years, into the air, water, and soil? Our president never mentions that nukes release radiation which produces genetic damage, horrendously deformed babies, cancers that will go on for generations … radiation poisoning that causes your insides to turn to mush, which causes you to shit your own organs as a bloody pulp as you die horribly. Don't like the sound of this? Too horrible to think about? It's what happens to people who have been nuked and poisoned by radiation, if they survive the blast. Your president is hot to nuke somebody. Do you want this? You'd better talk to your Congressional rep right away.
Where are we going to create an earthquake? You good people … your government has developed weapons that can do these things! Ask your reps what the hell is going on.
The US has biological and chemical weapons. Who are we going to use them on? What people on this earth are we going to poison? Aren't you horrified yet? Talk to your reps. Get some answers. Why do we have these weapons? Why have you paid for our government to develop these weapons? What are we going to do with them? Ask your rep.
If you aren't pissed off yet, you must be dead and I am surprised you are reading this far.
So what would Gandhi do?
Gandhi asked ordinary men and women to stand up, and he knew by asking them to stand up that they would be physically attacked just for standing. The courage it took to stand in front of lines of horse-mounted and armed police was enormous. It will take the same kind of courage to take action in this country, even if "standing" is only a metaphor and you never get off your butt.
We can't stand up at the polls anymore because we can't trust the election system to be honest. We have no idea if our vote truly counts or not. It looks pretty much like our votes mean nothing, that no matter who attains public office, they don't represent the people of this country. They seem to represent a corporate power structure which operates behind the peoples' backs and in spite of the peoples' wishes. Otherwise, how could all this horrible stuff be happening?
If you do not have the power of the vote, you still have the power of the purse. Let's put it to good use.
1. If you don't approve of what your government is doing with your money, stop giving it to them. There are some serious lawsuits going on that are pretty much taking the IRS to the ropes. There does not appear to be a Constitutional requirement that you have to pay federal income taxes, so just stop. Or just give them half, telling them you cannot support our military's development of ever more horrendous weapons. Many people have refused to pay federal taxes and refuse to support a government that is doing all the things I've listed here. I know, you're afraid not to. But that's because they threaten you. Your own elected government threatens you. Think about that. You pay their salaries and they threaten you! That alone should tell you all they want from you is your money. This is where courage enters the picture.
2. Stop buying. Stop consuming poisonously-produced products. That means all mass-produced and mass-distributed goods, which is everything you will find in any store. Stop with what you've got right now, which is more than most of the people in the world will ever have. Buy only handmade goods from local people. Don't save money by shopping at big distribution outlets or the mall. Stop buying right now for a whole year, and the year after that, and the year after that.
3. Stop supporting the people of India and China and stop supporting the rich in this country. Let them find something beneficial to do with all their wealth instead of continuing to poison the earth by owning, running, and refusing to clean up industry.
4. Write manufacturers telling them why you're not going to buy their stuff … because of the poisonous processes by which it is produced. You can get information on industrial pollution to refer to. Suggest they stop poisoning the earth and find something beneficial to do in this world instead of making money.
5. Don't upgrade your computer. What a monetary black hole the computer industry is! It sucks up money, forcing upgrades, discontinuing older models that still function well but which repair shops won't even work on. There are rooms full of old computers in schools and businesses all over this country, millions of them. Unlike cars which will sometimes last 25 years, computers have pushed the concept of planned obsolescence beyond the brink of credulity. Computers make use of heavy metals, which poison, and all are made of plastics, which do not biodegrade. When old computers are given as donations, millions of them end up in third world countries where children work stripping out the copper wire, handling the aluminum, lead and mercury that these devices contain, poisoning their health for a few pennies. It's not worth it, not for speed, convenience, and making Bill Gates rich. Just stop with what you've got.
6. Stop going to doctors, especially for all those recommended tests and exams. If you need help, find a natural healer.
7. Buy only locally produced goods, even better if they are made by hand.
8. Eat locally grown organic foods.
Good luck and god bless. With some luck maybe those who want power, wealth, and control will find a monkey-wrench in their works. You can start buying again when the air gets cleaner.
A Humble Spirit