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A Recovering American (Video) (Updated Dec. 2, 2006)

Patrick Mooney

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The Institute of Unlearning would like to hear from you! If you have comments, suggestions or would like to send donations via postal mail instead of online, then please use the following address:

Patrick Mooney

P.O. Box 433

Lovingston, VA 22949

E-Mail: [email protected]

"Patrick's reading in the below clip, was given at the Rapunzel's Coffee House, in May of 2004"

Patrick Mooney

About Patrick Mooney

Patrick Mooney, creator of the Institute of Unlearning, charts his career of being an "unlearner" as beginning in 1998. It was during that year that many of his previously tightly-held Catholic beliefs began to crumble in the wake of a powerfully emerging spiritual worldview.

This worldview, over the course of the next four years, stripped Patrick of all of the major beliefs of his American working-class background. The events of 9/11, and all the foolishness that has followed, provided the final spark for his break with mainstream reality.

Realizing that, as a high school Religion and Social Studies teacher, he was "more of a problem than a solution", Patrick abandoned his young eight year career to promote an alternative form of education, the Institute of Unlearning.

Today, Patrick continues his own personal quest of unlearning and seeks to inspire others to do the same.

He feels particularly called to challenge the minds of young adults, who are being especially victimized by an education system that has been "dumbing them down" for the past few decades.

An aspiring author and documentary filmmaker, Patrick is also available as a lecturer or presenter on the various topics connected to the unlearning process.


I too am a Recovering [Conservative Republican] American

by 'Karl W B Schwarz'

Greetings to all Email Update Members

Just what the world does not need – Henry Kissinger as advisor to the Pope and Catholic Church. That is about as ludicrous as hiring Satan to advise the Holy See on matters of theology.

Out of the left field came a news item that the US created Al Qaeda condemns the Pope’s meeting with Turkey.

Did you notice that Pope Ratzinger just put on the table that he wants Turkey to join NATO? You will read below what the Bilderbergs came up with as a really stupid plan regarding Russia and Turkey. They never stop trying to dream up goofy stuff in those Ivory Towers.

I did not name certain people that Israel is protecting from criminal prosecution and those named in this article are far from a complete list.

Those Christians in America that think Israel is representative of the Holy Land, and holiness and religious goodness are consummate fools. Modern Israel is the haven from justice of some of the world’s premier criminals that cannot find sanctuary any place else. If one is a Jewish criminal they have a safe house in Israel. Many of them even travel on Israeli passports when they should be in a prison somewhere for their actions.

Here is a simple rule – if they flee to Israel they are Israeli operatives or likely part of the Zionist Jewish mafia or part of some of the dirty tricks Israel does to get its way.

If they flee to the UK such as Jewish Zionist Russian Boris Berezovsky, they are probably assets of the UK and US agenda. His role with the Caspian Basin area during the Boris Yeltsin era is most telling as to why Berezovsky is in the UK.

The simple analytical tool is thus. If they have to run due to criminal conduct and seek asylum, one has to back up and ask why any civilized “rule of law” nation would give them sanctuary and then refuse extradition to face punishment for their criminal conduct in their native land. Consider that absence of regard for the rule of law and do the math.

According to a recent Wayne Madsen report, Boris Berezovsky and the Bush Family are in business together

November 29, 2006 -- Boris Berezovsky's other friend.

While much attention is being paid by the corporate media on Russian-Israeli criminal chieftain Boris Berezovsky (aka Platon Elenin) and his dubious involvement with the recently murdered former Russian FSB and KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, little attention is being paid to Berezovksy's other business partner -- Neil Bush, the brother of George W. Bush and Silverado Savings & Loan crook.

George W. Bush's visit to Riga was not the first by a Bush to the Latvian capital. Neil Bush met wanted Russian oligarch/gangster Boris Berezovsky in Riga in 2005.

Berezovsky is a major investor in Ignite! -- an educational software company. Berezovsky's co-investors include Barbara and George H. W. Bush -- Neil's parents -- Berezovsky's business partner Badri Patarkatsishvili, a former Georgian Communist Komsomol youth leader, chairman of the Georgian Olympic Committee, media mogul, and major investor in soccer clubs in Britain, Georgia, and Brazil; Kuwaiti financier Mohammed al Saddah; and Chinese computer tycoon Winston Wong. Patarkatsishvili is also wanted by Russian authorities but his Georgian citizenship and citizenship rights in Israel have prevented his extradition.

Suspiciously, other investors in Ignite! hail from one of the notorious homes of secret corporations -- the British Virgin Islands -- and the always questionable Dubai and Russian-Israeli Mafia-connected Ukraine. Because of Neil Bush's frequent trips to the Philippines and Taiwan to appear at events (between romps with Asian prostitutes) with Unification Church head Sun Myung Moon, there are rumors that Moon is also a silent partner in Ignite!

There was a ruling in a federal court that is germane to the topic of this email update. A federal judge has overturned Bush’s right to declare anyone he wishes a terrorist. This ruling was limited in scope to specific groups that sued but it opens the door to expose the bigger fraud that is the Bush Administration and this entire bogus Global War on Terror. It also has the possibility of opening the door to exposing the sleaze that was going on in the George H W Bush and Clinton Administrations to set up this whole sleazy affair.


Judge Strikes Down Bush on Terror Groups

Nov 28, 11:24 PM (ET)


LOS ANGELES (AP) - A federal judge struck down President Bush's authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was unconstitutionally vague, according to a ruling released Tuesday

The Humanitarian Law Project had challenged Bush's order, which blocked all the assets of groups or individuals he named as "specially designated global terrorists" after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

"This law gave the president unfettered authority to create blacklists," said David Cole, a lawyer for the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Constitutional Rights that represented the group. "It was reminiscent of the McCarthy era."

The case centered on two groups, the Liberation Tigers, which seeks a separate homeland for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, and Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, a political organization representing the interests of Kurds in Turkey.

U.S. District Judge Audrey Collins enjoined the government from blocking the assets of the two groups. The same judge two years ago invalidated portions of the Patriot Act.

Both groups consider the Nov. 21 ruling a victory; both had been designated by the United States as foreign terrorist organizations.

Cole said the judge's ruling does not invalidate the hundreds of other designated terrorist groups on the list but "calls them into question."

The following and a link [second link below] to a video I have provided are crucial to understanding the bigger picture.

The world’s premier terrorist group is not Al Qaeda or these nebulous disjointed groups that Bush thinks sending an entire armored division to track down is justified. That is just macho conduct by Bush to make the American Sheeple think there is a real war going on and we are the great defenders led by the Great Pretender. I have watched for a long time and even well before 9-11 and clearly see that our “terrorism war” is but a means for the UK, US and Israel to be the terrorists while conveniently pointing the finger at everyone else.

You have to stop and think about the absurdity of dispatching an entire aircraft carrier group or an armored division when several hundred thugs are the problem.

If you want to take a peek at why the Iraqis are hating us more each day, see this documentary as to what is going on in this sectarian violence and we just let them through the check points. If you watch this one, brace yourself for it takes a strong stomach.

The reason they do it is because they are now trapped in close to 30 years of failed policies and for the US to remain number one in anything other than size of our national debt and war machine they had to come up with a strategy rather than change policies.

Almost all of the problems could be mitigated or made to go away in changing policies that some leaders just refuse to change, for it does not fit their agenda or that of their Wealthy Elite masters that own them. A vast change could be put into place by implementing the rule of law and cleaning up the house here and abroad.

I do not believe in democracy as we practice it today in America. It is not a product we have the right to package up like Windows XP and ship it all over the world. Most do not want it at all on the terms of Washington, DC and would prefer to do things their way in their own nation. Windows XP crashes and so does US and UK policy for the same reasons and it is called dysfunctional.

It is mob rule and our current government is a perfect example of that. What I do believe in is the Republic that America was founded to be as a Constitutional government ruled by the Will of the People with a weak federal government and strong state governments where each and every one of us live. We are citizens of the United States but we are residents of a state and that is how our Founding Fathers intended for it to be. All politics are local and our federal government has perverted that to their own ends for their benefit, for the benefit of the Wealthy Elite and to your detriment of liberty and freedom.

They figured out years ago that it was much easier to weaken the states, increase the strength and power of the federal government and bribe one government instead of the fifty state governments that might remember that their local constituents have one hell of a nasty bite when elections come around. At the local level, political sleaze is regularly punished and we need to start implementing that at the federal level too.

They want the American Dream for themselves and they could not care less if you ever get a whiff of it or sight of it.

The problem is how they define the American Dream and why we as a people have to put a stop to it.

It is all about their agendas and to hell with you. They are pushing the American Nightmare and packaging it as if it is the American Dream.

One of the investors in my company likes to tease me that I am a Recovering Republican. In a way, she is absolutely correct so we do not argue the semantics about her being a Progressive and me being a Conservative. We just accept those matters as givens and argue about other things. We disagree on many things and we see eye to eye on many things because on the bottom line it is the way things are supposed to be.

One of the things she and I have not discussed is that I am not only reassessing what it means to be a Conservative Republican but I am also reassessing what it means to be an American and supporting what is right over blindly supporting what is abjectly wrong and sinful.

Yes, I am a conservative by choice, an Ecumenical Christian and was once part of the Republican machine. However, over time and as I have aged and suffered from an onslaught from both DNC and RNC factions, I have learned that I am first a believer in God and Jesus Christ, peace and truth and justice, then a man who loves a beautiful Russian woman and her son and my son, and then an American, and then a conservative and then a Republican

When I saw neither party as being representative of what I believe in, I chose to be Independent for that is also synonymous with being free and living in liberty. I do not need the US government to manage or micromanage my life or even to defend me or pretend to defend me. I do just fine on my on and I prefer it that way.

Where I have been in Europe there are “Islamic people” all around me and I am not a target of anything from them. Actually, I am more of a curiosity as to why an American thinks Central Europe is a nice place. It needs lots of improvements but actually it is quite like the American frontier. There is opportunity for those smart enough to see it.

For months I have been working on an email update and it was one of those literary pieces that the words just would not come and would not come out right. I started it in June 2006 while here in Europe and still the words would not come when I would open it up and try to finish it. I tried to get inspired and work on it while in Vienna and Venice and other places and still the words would not come out.

On November 28, 2006 I received an email that had a link. I received a lot of timely information this week and it is all in this email. Everything suddenly came together so I could get this to you.

I get many such emails but this one was different because someone got up in front of an audience and to a large extent said what I have been trying to say in the email update since June.

The person who sent this link to me is of Malay and Indonesian descent, female, Islamic and lives in North America by choice I presume.

I do not have time to listen to every radio show archive or even look at every video link or PPS file that is sent to me. Few realize that I work 16-20 hours a day, average about 1,000 emails a day, but this video made me stop and listen to every word with tears in my eyes for what America has evolved into. This guy hit the nail right on the head.

The only difference in what this person said and what I say is that I have more facts to back up my positions. It is due to where he is coming from and where I am coming from. I have one agenda and that is see my nation be what it is supposed to be. When it has evolved into a cruel lie, I refuse to live the lie.

He spoke from the heart about how he sees what is wrong. I speak from the heart and mind with facts that these cowards in DC run from rather than turn and challenge me on those facts. They know I have a prosecutor’s mind and I have taken the US on in a RICO lawsuit that named the US government and other wealthy elite thugs and was proving that they can be defined as a criminal person under the RICO Act and held accountable. I was representing myself and giving them fits, heart palpitations and acid indigestion.

He was right. There is no global war on terror. It is our government creating a means to be the terrorists and point at everyone else as the problem rather then look into the mirror, face the truth and confess as to who the real terrorists are.

I have said it many times – the Department of Homeland Security does not protect you from anything. It protects the federal government from you if you wake up and decide you have had enough.

Our government has created an excuse of terrorism so they could go be terrorists to bludgeon the world into submission for about 30 years of idiotic and failed polices of our government. You can trace most of this lunacy back to when George H W Bush was director of the CIA and then forced upon Reagan as the VP running mate. It has been sliding downhill since then and will continue to do so until We the People put a stop to it.

Note in the video the amount of drug money laundering that happens through US banks, which also involves the Federal Reserve since all of that goes over the Fed Wire Transfer system. That is our government, the world’s largest illegal drug pusher and they use that money to push more stupid agendas that they do not want you to know about. That is off the books money for dark ops they would prefer you know nothing about.

One of the people on this email update list was with the Federal Reserve and forced out the door when he reported illegal money laundering operations within the Federal Reserve. Consider that and keep reading.

We conquered Afghanistan (supposedly), delivered democracy and freedom (supposedly) and opium poppy production is up 700%. Do the math and for the love of God, wake up if you are not awake already.

When I was a presenter at 9-11 Confronting the Evidence, a woman managed to get past security and on stage to confront me. We talked for about 30 minutes after that. She was fired in Buenos Aires by a US bank for refusing to launder US drug money. They paid her about $200,000 to shut her up.

These people in DC are corrupt beyond corrupt. All Americans need to come to grips with that fact of life.

You can always tell when something is based on a lie and there are two ways. First is how they try to drum their agenda into the minds of as many as they can like this Alexander Litvinenko matter. Or the Al Qaeda is going to come get you fear mongering. Secondly, when the facts come out from people like me and others, they avoid them like we were standing there with a flame thrower. Liars cower before the truth. They always have and they always will. Their failure to respond to many hard and clear facts is indication that they are lying and the more they engage in defending their lies the more apparent it is that they are lying.

Watch Bush for a clear example. Afghanistan is about to erupt into chaos and Bush is over talking to NATO to stand firm to defeat terror. I have a feeling they are all about to stand firm – against George W. Bush.

That is one of the wonderful defenses God put into the truth – liars flee from it. No lie can withstand the light of the truth. That is why these people fear truth for justice is based on that in man’s law and God’s law.

Many of you have heard about the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.

He is a man that was recruited into the NSA and his job was to analyze economies of nations so the World Bank, IMF and major US banks could intentionally over-loan to those nations, manipulate their economic performance and take over their assets over time with the call of debt and conversion of debt to control of their asset holdings. The speaker in the video link is right – much of what we presume in America as our economic freedoms, and success and wealth were literally premeditatedly stolen from other nations and other peoples.

Then these asinine idiots in DC come up with lies and excuses as to why other nations hate us with a flaming passion. They are not terrorists. They are victims of a crime and of being robbed by US backed robber barons.

Many of you might recall the massive petrochemical plant leak of deadly gas at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal India years ago that killed thousands and permanently injured tens of thousands more.

When authorities in India sought criminal charges against the US plant manager and Union Carbide CEO he was protected over here in the US in this place that pretends to be all about rule of law.

In 1991, the local government in Bhopal charged Warren Anderson, Union Carbide’s CEO at the time of the disaster, with manslaughter. If tried in India and convicted, he faces a maximum of ten years in prison. However Mr. Anderson has never stood trial before an Indian court; he has, instead, evaded an international arrest warrant and a summons to appear before a US court. For years Mr. Anderson’s whereabouts were unknown, and it wasn’t until August of 2002 that Greenpeace found him, living a life of luxury in the Hamptons. Neither the American nor the Indian government seem interested in disturbing him with an extradition, despite the recent scandals over corporate crime. This is unfortunate: Mr. Anderson’s decisions didn’t just wipe out retirement plans, they killed people.

It is because we screwed them over and robbed them folks just so you could thump your chest about how great it is to be an American when you should hang your head in shame for what our government and major corporations have done.

You should be screaming at the top of your lungs demanding these thugs that call themselves leaders be brought to justice and put away for life.

I have had to explain many times while in Europe that I do not believe in or support the actions of my government and I truly am here to make a better future for them and for myself.

The most hostile emails I have received are from those that do not like it that I am putting my nanotechnology company in Europe and within the next 2-3 years it will generate about 10,000 new high tech high paying jobs. There are some technology reasons for that and we do not have to disclose that to anyone.

People in our government and corporations have systematically bribed leaders like Boris Yeltsin or people like Zionist Russian Jew Boris Berezovsky to roll over for the Almighty Dollar and be traitors to their own people just to get to be billionaires and enjoy the good life on the backs of their own fellow countrymen. Even in other lands they call that a traitor.

This entire Leo Wanta matter about creating off the books $27.5 trillion to assault Russia with economic warfare so we could force the breakup of the USSR, take over the Caspian Basin, endeavor to take over Russian assets, was all part of a big strategy of control by greedy Americans and greedy collaborators in other nations like the UK and complete traitors like Boris Berezovsky and Boris Yeltsin. I have to keep reminding myself that the Leo Wanta matter was a plan put into action by George H W Bush and Nicholas Brady. Maybe that fact along with Berezovsky will give you a clear picture what they have been after for about 30 years.

Now Russia is the number one oil producer in the world and rising by the hour. What goes around, comes around and has throughout eternity.

As soon as I saw that Boris Berezovsky was part of the liaison to the former USSR states [the Caspian Basin former USSR states] I could clearly see exactly why he was in exile in the UK. He was a tool the US and the UK used to get the agenda into play and get control of the Caspian Basin. It is not hard to connect those dots and then watch the US and UK pretend that there are no dot

That is not a national destiny. That is an agenda driven by pure greed, sleazy conduct, and a government that went way out of its way to lie and create the circumstances to aid and abet that greed and sleazy conduct.

Our government is so blatantly arrogant that they think they can dictate to many nations what they can buy and who they can buy it from, just to suit the governmental aiding and abetting of greed by US Wealthy Elite insiders.

The following came in from Armenia which is wedged between Iran and Georgia:

Speaking of the Caspian....


Just today November 29, 2006, the US bars iPods from North Korea. Some weapon an iPod is, not!

U.S. Bans Sale of IPods to North Korea

Nov 29, 2:26 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration wants North Korea's attention, so like a scolding parent it's trying to make it tougher for that country's eccentric leader to buy iPods, plasma televisions and Segway electric scooters.

The U.S. government's first-ever effort to use trade sanctions to personally aggravate a foreign president expressly targets items believed to be favored by Kim Jong Il or presented by him as gifts to the roughly 600 loyalist families who run the communist government.

Kim, who engineered a secret nuclear weapons program, has other options for obtaining the high-end consumer electronics and other items he wants.

This is the sort of petty arrogance that so many around the world hate about the United States, but it is not We the People they hate. It is this government and the wealthy thugs they really represent that are hated for cause.

The US and UK are trying to get a pipeline across the Caspian Sea to then get it through Georgia and to the Black Sea and then to Europe. The United States wants to sell the natural gas to Georgia and Europe and other places. That folks is The Grand Chessboard from hell because simple geographical realities make their plan defeat-able from so many directions it is incredible that they ever thought they had a plan.

They do not have a plan, what they have is lunacy blinded by greed.

You have to consider the sanity of a government that cannot grow jobs for their citizens but will go out of their way to aid and abet the US and UK in their 30 years of stupidity regarding the Caspian Basin. Hungary has set themselves on that course right now. Why? U.S. demands and economic intimidation, UK intimidation and ex-pat Hungarian George Soros all trying to turn back the clock as to how stupid the original plan was to break up Russia and take over certain assets and energy supplies out of pure greed.

They failed and they failed miserably and now they are trying everything under the Sun to make it look like they won. They lost and they lost in huge ways because they completely impugned the integrity of the United States and the many good people of our nation with their stupid destined to fail plans.

They and the Bilderbergs literally at one time intended to try to break up the USSR into four regions that would be profited from by the US, Japan, Germany and Turkey. These people are presumptuous fools of staggering arrogance. I do not care how many MBA and PhD degrees they put in the room for they prove every day they are ignorant humans blinded by money and greed.

The Pope is out pimping for the US and UK because with Turkey in NATO hands they can sort out the Caspian Basin pipeline mess and finally get the cork out of the bottle. Additionally, if you recall from recent emails Bridas Corporation has a pipeline from Turkmenistan, across Iran and into Turkey to get to the Black Sea. They are trying to maneuver to shut that down or use the threat of that to affect other agendas.

I hope you paid attention to that string of suspects and circumstances. Our nation is on a course straight into the side of the mountain at maximum throttle.

· We are suffering from failed energy policies since 1973.

· We are suffering from failed military and foreign diplomacy policies for at least the past 30 years.

· We are suffering from failed monetary policies ever since this idiot Bush Family got into positions to affect that and put a sleazy global plan into play.

This came in to me from a friend in Romania that is an investment banker who lived in the United States for many years and returned to Romania to help build his homeland as it comes into the European Union.


Hungary wants to invest 100 million euros in Black Sea ports

by IulianBulandra, 28 Mar 2006, 13:01

The Hungarian government has announced its intention to invest about 100 million euros in Black Sea ports, Constanta included, the secretary of state in the Ministry of Economy and Trade Horvath Csaba declared on the occasion of Constanta port day organized in Budapest . ?Two thirds of the Hungarian economy is based on exports and depends a lot on transport ways in Europe. The Danube has been a linking way with the north of the continent and we wish to redefine its role, focusing on new commercial relations. At present 20% of Hungarian trade is with partners in Constanta and depends on logistic, infrastructure and transport,? Csaba said.

Get that map out and look at the sheer logistics of getting oil from the Caspian Basin to Europe and you will much better understand US and UK policy in Georgia, the Ukraine and Europe.

Hungary needs to invest 100 million euros to create jobs for their own people, not roll over for the Soros and UK / US agenda.

To supply the EU from Hungary, one could not pick a more wrong direction since the EU is 180 degrees in the other direction. Even on the surface, this is part of the oil pipeline agenda of the US and UK and Soros. If you did not study the maps, see this link and then compare to a map that shows what they are up to. If having a port is that important to Hungary they should look towards the Adriatic Sea, not the Black Sea.