The Phantom Unveiled: The Peacemakers Are The Victors
By Taansen
How? By the EVIDENCE now coming out that very little war - - in fact - - is actually happening. This is the "War of Smoke and Mirrors". It is approximately 10% fact and 90% bluff, illusion, and media deception. The rumors of war are grossly exaggerated.
Consider: "There are people in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities who are reporting seeing fantastic lights flashing in the night sky and hearing horribly loud booms from bombs and artillery explosions. Yet, in the daylight they see no damage, no injured and no dead people. A nurse with Human Shield endured a night of light flashes and bombing noise in Baghdad. In the morning she went to the emergency hospital to assist with the war casualties. As she entered the hospital, the hallways were lined with empty cots and all was an eerie silence. There were no war victims. Another nurse and friend came from a city hospital and reported a busy night of elderly people coming to the hospital with heart problems and shock from the war noise. There were no war casualties.
"A CNN news crew in Baghdad took a ninety minute tour to see the war damage and saw none. Dan Rather of CBS news recently expressed his frustration at having no evidence of any war damage in Baghdad.
"As you watch the media propaganda, you see 'bombs bursting in air', death and destruction. Is this real? Some is, but most is not actually happening. Some people are reporting seeing themselves in these lying media pictures which were taken twelve years ago. Some have exact copies of earlier T.V. presentations. Some have observed the 1991 date on current T.V. war pictures. Some have proof that the topography has changed, buildings are different, trees are different, vehicles are too old, etc. This is media-hype using old file tapes of the 1991 Gulf War." - - Patrick Bellringer, 24 March 03 Report (www.fourwinds10.com)
Consider: that the Pentagon threatened to cut the satellite uplinks of any reporters in Iraq who don't report the war the way the Pentagon wants them to. Consider: "Top News Correspondents Outraged At Suppression", from the 03/20/03 ECTV report by Mitch Battros (www.earthchangestv.com).
Something fishy is going on here, no? And so we repeat: the so-called "war" is perhaps 10% fact and 90% exaggeration, lies, deception, illusion, and sleight of media-hand. It is a farce, a trick to scare, to dominate, to coerce, to bully, and to try to prove the Wise Peacemakers wrong. But it ISN'T WORKING! World consciousness has risen too much. Their bark is worse than their bite. It is now time for the world's people to stop believing the bark and replace them with Genuine Wayshowers of Peace.