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From T.L. Davis:



"The push to disarm the citizenry will only get more insistent and resistance to it more fractured and distanced as time goes on. Each city will enact illegal confiscations and then states and little by little all rights will be lost. The Second Amendment is the only one that matters at a time like this.


Now, while the greatest majority still hold the weapons of resistance, is the time to dissolve this union no matter how difficult it is for the heart to conceive it. The alternative is an inexorable decline into misery, destitution and ultimate ignoble slavery. It is our right and duty to alter or abolish. It is the only thing left to which we should swear an oath. I don't know what is on the other side of such an act, perhaps the exact same outcome, but with the knowledge that we stood and we gave everything to deny the tyrants their victory. But, maybe something better...after the worst."


I could not agree more with T.L Davis, that the time to abolish this government is right now, and has been in the 'right now stage' for well over 175 years, but probably longer than that. Psychopaths cannot be reformed, They are what They are, and like it or not, They make up the majority of people in government, and exclusively those in the upper rungs. Tweaking, complaining, reforming, or promoting the notion of going back to a bygone era, before modern technology, where people actually read books, revered honesty and morals, were conversant in proper correct English, and self sufficient, is at the very least, unrealistic to imagine occurring but in the years after some unmanageable cataclysm that resets the game board back to a time before the age of zombies.


It is not an admission of failure to scrap this government, because it assuredly has to be done if there is ever going to be a healing process take place in America, and the sooner it is scrapped, the sooner that process can actually start. 


Be without fear in the face of your enemies.

Stand brave and upright, that the Lord may love thee.

Speak the truth always, even if it means your death.

Protect the helpless and do no wrong.