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Dick Eastman

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April 27, 2015

Likely knew you would not rally behind informed and intelligent people of good will to shake off banker oligarchy -- that you would chatter and forward info endlessly until ... they identified and located all who thought independently, who did not accept mass-media conditioning.



They knew before they allowed us the Internate that our complaining would never reach critical mass and explode in their faces with our organized opposition, but instead,  because talk is cheap and frustration with tryanny is real, those who did not accept the world the bankers have for the "lucky few" those dissidents would find each other but no one else  -- and after being fully self-disclosed because all dissenting intellectuals are big-mouths "birds of a feather, you know  --  who merely write to chatrooms, Face Book, blogs, websites and email lists saying "this is tryanny!  and "throw off the lies!' and the instruments of economic and psychological control.  I guess the men of action are those filling the prisons and the gossiping women, us, are out hear bragging about how good we are for bad-mouthing Rothschild.


Waco.  No response.  talk talk talk Oaklahoma City.  No response.  talk talk talk  9-11  no response talk talk talk  weather warfare no response talk talk talk  war on terror police state  no response talk talk talk  deflation crisis  no response talk talk talk  "spring" regime toppling no response talk talk talk    then comes 2015.   But never doubt that in the end action in response to all who spoke against the oligarchy will take place.  Only it will not be the action or the actors that the chatterboxes had in mind.

Truth is like religion -- either it makes converts or it is gone in a generation.



Advice?  Sure.

Talk politics and organize politics outside your comfort circle, risk making enemies, risk possibly becoming noted by organized crime agents who will infiltrate, and do your best to counter and defeat their sabotage, so you may reach the unreached in every land -- at this very late hour it is our only hope.  It has always been our only hope.



Dick Eastman

Yakima, Washington

Every man is responsible to every other man  

[email protected]