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Please sign the World Peace Agreement

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Please sign the World Peace Agreement    SIGN HERE




    Sponsored by: Alfred Lambremont Webre


Now that humanity is preparing to travel in space just as we travel around this planet, and humanity is getting ready to join the universal community and to venture into the spans of the universe, humanity needs to find peace in its home first.


Thank you for signing the WORLD PEACE TREATY as an individual. Please share the WORLD PEACE TREATY with family, friends and networks. If you are so inclined you can also print out the WORLD PEACE TREATY and take it to your City Council, your provincial and state legislators, and your national leaders/ambassadors to sign (both personally and on behalf of their jurisdictions).




"I/We as citizens of the Earth from this moment on accept to lay down all tools of aggression and war. I/We shall never think about getting involved in or inciting war or developing or using any tools of war on this planet or in space, and to this I/We all agree and swear with my/our (delete as appropriate) nation, territory, council, religion, city, body/bodies and souls(s)."



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