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The US is about to plunge off a financial cliff where many will have nothing. The Government has already taken control. Surveillance, searches, checkpoints, militarization of our police, politicians that do things people don’t want or approve, controlling what news you hear and what you don’t.



Keeping honest candidates from getting to the conventions by manipulation of the votes. Keeping important legal cases from juries and getting federal judges to hear them instead. Beating, macing, tazing and arresting peaceful protesters.The Federal Reserve (Banksters’) Act abrogated the Declaration Of Independence. The National Security (Spooks’) Act negated the US Constitution. The Patriot (Scoundrels’) Act nullified the Bill Of Rights.

The 2012 National Defense Authorization (Tyrants’) Act is a DECLARATION OF WAR against the American people! patriotism is being critical of your government and trying your best to make it better. not sitting there with your head up your ass and belittleling the ones who try to fix the problems they see, that’s called nationalism. nationalism was what gave the third Reich the ability to do the evil things they did. sadly a lot of people in America today don’t care about there rights and don’t even notice that they are losing them fast.