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This Is The Kind Of Person We NEED In Congress

Tim Powers

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July 29, 2012


Ernest Huber SC This is the Kind of Person We NEED in Congress

(Editor’s note: the views expressed in this column are solely those of the author and not of the Western Center for Journalism.)

In the comment section of my recent article titled “Is this Obama’s end game?”, one comment stood out that has encouraged me to write this. The commenters name is Ernest Huber and it would appear that he is running for the United States congress from Washington state. Here is his bio.

This man has a very long list of credentials as well as military expirience. It is not my goal to endorse him or encourage people to vote for him. I am simply making the point that he is exactly the type of person that we need in Congress in order to turn this country around. We can only hope that whatever he has is catchy before November. Here are his comments:

Let’s be honest, Obama is a communist revolutionary and an enemy of the United States. [Proof]

After his election, Obama and his followers began incrementally overthrowing our government and installing a dictatorship. They must be immediately arrested and jailed by whatever means necessary for waging war against us. Mass impeachments, if necessary, can come later.

If Obama is still in office, my first order of business to get the ball rolling will be to call for the referring of the matter of Barack Obama to the House Judiciary Committee to investigate grounds for impeachment for, inter alia, failing to protect the States from invasion (Art. IV, sec. 4, U.S. Constitution), RICO violations, sedition, national security offenses, and other acts of treason.

If the massive Congressional and Executive corruption continues, my second order of business from the floor will be to call upon the Commanding General of the United States Army Military District of Washington to immediately execute arrest and search and seizure warrants on Barack Obama, his staff, and others; or, in the alternative, that they be confined as unlawful combatants. If necessary, a military tribunal determined by the Joint Chiefs of Staff should then serve as our interim Executive and employ special prosecutors until a new election is held.

If it’s illegal to directly overthrow our nation using armed insurgents, then it’s clearly illegal to indirectly overthrow our nation by massive fraud [Proof] and espionage using an unarmed insurgent President, his staff, and others. You can’t do indirectly what you’re prohibited from doing directly, even if you follow Rules for Radicals, smile, and do endless diversionary teleprompter propaganda and political indoctrination harangues. You can’t use the Constitution to destroy the Constitution. Most lawmaking is pointless until Obama and his gang are removed.

Based on insurgency histories, traffic analysis and threat assessments, there are in excess of 10,000 communist revolutionaries in the US who will be facing life in prison, and close to 1,000 facing capital punishment.

If Obama’s arrest and impeachment are unsuccessful, and as a last resort, I will assemble other Members of Congress, citizens, and militias, and proceed to the White House to implement the following foundational directive:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” (The Declaration of Independence)

As always, my fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.