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June 22, 2012

(Miss American for FederalJack)   The very ‘humans’ who have gained their immense wealth and power through the centuries from the sweat and toil of others, and who have arranged the world to steal anything they want without lifting a finger, are the same ones who have appointed themselves as the new God’s of the universe.  These carnival barkers actually believe they have the final word on who, and how many humans belong on this planet!!  Of course, we have yet to see any of them step up and volunteer to be an example to the rest of us in their zealotry to demonize “the earth’s human plague”, and actually help reduce the world’s population!!  Any critically thinking person would be looking over their shoulder for the white coats to take us away in straightjackets if WE went around spouting the very same ludicrous nonsense they have come up with.  Global warming has turned into climate change??  Now there’s something you can’t argue with!!  It’s why weather reports were invented!  I suppose that the sky being blue will be the next ‘proof’ that ‘we’ are causing the moon to exit the universe.  The hysterical and rabid environmental ‘Gods’ seem to have been blessed with crystal balls and know exactly how the earth is going to behave, and what the weather will be 75 years from now.   What they’ve done is create a casino where they can take bets on what the temperature will be tomorrow, or on any given day in the year 2062, while they control the temperatures with their chemicals dispersed in the sky and electronic toys (HAARP).

One doesn’t even need to look beneath the surface or read between the lines, to see the gigantic lies, blatant deceptions, and the insanity of it all.  You have to think that trying to pull off this grand scheme, and how voraciously absurd it is, is part of the rush they are thoroughly enjoying, while they madly jerk on their multitude of puppet strings.  The mind drifts easily to the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, after they’ve led the gullible masses down the green brick road.  We can only imagine how far these ‘people’ need to go to get any kind of stimulation out of life.  When you have destroyed every moral code possible, committed every kind of crime, violated every local and global law, indulged in all manner of unspeakable human abuses, what is left??  What could they think of next in their search for a thrill??   This is where it gets very damn scary!  This is where the self-appointed New Gods provide the proof that they are indeed the devil in disguise, and so mentally ill they don’t fit any framework for even the most gifted psychiatrist to classify. I wonder.  Have you given any thought at all to the up front and in your face hypocrisy they have put on the plate for you to consume??   Or the brutality with which they demand that we obey?  Their ruthlessness is the giveaway that will tell you who you are dealing with.  Electric utilities are shutting off power to elderly people who do not want Smart Meters!!  “We will install this dangerous device on your home, even though it’s not UL approved, no matter how sick you are”!   “And if you are sick, you’ll pay through the nose to keep your old meter, you sucker”!

Think about these items from very small, to beyond all comprehension, when you hear their buzzwords the next time. On second thought, they have realized the world is waking up and have drawn up new buzzwords for their agenda, but here are the ones you are catching onto and are sick of already:

SUSTAINABILITY:  From now on, The Gods say humans must be limited to sustainable activities and energy use. Yet they control the corporations that make terminator crop seeds that must be purchased every season, and create laws that make saving/storing seeds (sustainable) illegal.  It doesn’t matter if nature ruins an entire crop, or the farmer commits suicide because he has no money for the next season’s planting.  And it doesn’t matter if their concoctions fail by the thousands of acres, or that increasing tons of additional pesticides and herbicides must be used each year to control the unintended consequences created by GMO crop planting.   One thing is for sure.  We know that Monsanto’s Round-Up is as efficient as cyanide for killing yourself and destroying animal and insect species.  Killing vast bee colonies that pollinate a huge segment of our food supply is oh-so sustainable!  And when the scientists get close to proving who or what is responsible for bee colony collapse, the suspected responsible party (starts with an ‘M’) buys up that research facility to silence the truth.

It’s also very sustainable for our fuel supplies to prohibit from the American auto market, cars that are available to Europeans that get 78 MPG.  Their answer is that they are “protecting the US economy”.   VW and even Ford build them right here in the US, but we can’t have them! (those greedy over-consuming low life American humans!)  I think we all know ‘who killed the electric car’, killed inventors, and stole or stifled technologies that could have helped wean us away from oil fuel decades ago.  Maybe back then we would have even feared to tread on the nuclear power time bomb.  And who has bought up, bought off, railroaded or squashed other countries or corporations who might have violated their mantra that ‘competition is a crime’.   They also control the corporations that continue to over-package products that are used up in mere minutes or days, in heavy, thick containers made from petroleum products.  Sure, we can recycle, but what good does that do when a huge barge owned by who knows who, dumps the whole shebang into the ocean?  And rather than replace strict regulations on coal plants that our former president squashed, just go ahead and shut down one of our most plentifully mined energy minerals and the plants that provide much of our electricity.  Now, I’m not big on strip mining, but what can we do when we are a century behind because ‘somebody’ controlled energy advances?  How much more hypocritical can it get people?  If I was writing a book about their definition of sustainability, and the BS they are shoving down our throats, it would weigh more than War and Peace!  Oh, I forgot to mention The God’s plan to destroy hydro-electric dams all around the country that supply energy to hundreds of thousands of homes, in the name of their Agenda 21 “re-wilding” plan, the UN’s pet project to put the earth back to its natural condition!   Could there be any more sustainable energy than mother nature’s renewable sources of life-giving rain water from natural weather patterns??  See the updated UN Bio-diversity Map to see if your town or home is destined for extinction when The Gods wave their magic wand.

GREEN GROWTH:  Before they start ‘growing’ anything, don’t you think it would be great to clean up the horrendous mess that their corporations have created in our lifetimes?  How about the identified Superfund sites that still sit neglected after 30 years?  How about facing the unthinkable quantity of planet killing spent nuclear fuel waste that is located around the country in pools at every nuclear generating plant, like so many gigantic bombs with the fuse already lit??  Has anyone wondered where all the world’s nuclear experts are, and why absolutely no single entity on earth has come together to help Japan stop the “biblical proportions” threat presented by the Fukushima nuclear meltdown????  Maybe by ‘green growth’ they mean all the new funny mutated plants that are showing up all over America.

How about calling a halt to the ‘geo-engineering the planet’ scheme that is spewing millions of tons of aluminum, barium, a multitude of other heavy metals, along with who knows what else, into the very air we breathe?  Some say the cloud cover created by this scam is actually holding in the heat at surface level.  ‘They’ claim that it’s reflecting the sun away, at the same time the artic glaciers are quickly melting, opening it up for oil drilling by competing countries and greedy drillers.  So they are creating the problem while claiming they are fixing it.  If carbon emissions are at such a dire level as to be threatening our demise at this very moment according to their hysteria, why is there no mention of the multi-millions of extra pounds of carbon fuel emissions from the worldwide mega-fleet of death spewing geo-engineering tanker planes???    What is so disgusting is how these so-called environmentalists got caught lying in a scandal called Climate-Gate, proving the ‘warming’ that their whole premise is based on, is a farce.  People around the globe heard about it.  However, our own president showed up at their Copenhagen global warming conference, acting like nothing happened at all, and jabbered on about how world ‘consensus’ was that the earth was warming.  No matter how many times their crimes, lies and utter hypocrisy are exposed, they forge ahead as if it never happened!   Geo-engineering by the way, is gravely affecting crop growth, killing trees and people, spoiling soils and polluting water, cutting solar panel efficiency, and making forest fires nearly explosive.  Yup!  Sounds like green growth to me!  The ‘New Gods’ have a very different ideas than the God I was familiar with.

ENDANGERED SPECIES:  With the blessing of NOAA, the US Navy is currently engaged in a five year war exercise plan off all US coasts.  They will admittedly be ‘taking’ (harming/killing) up to 12 million sea mammals with sonar, missiles, electronic weapons, and all manner of chemical bomb tests.  Evidently, they will be creating an all inclusive new category of ‘endangered species’.  Sea life!!  But plausible deniability will let them blame the Fukushima nuclear ‘accident’, or the human caused ocean ‘warming’ for the thousands of deaths of seals, whales and dolphins that are already evident.

‘They’ have also decided that the dwindling  numbers of wild horses and donkeys on our western open ranges are over-grazing and ruining the environment.   So the Bureau of Land Management has taken to cruel helicopter ‘round-ups’,  using the chopper’s skids to prod and terrorize them, breaking up family herds and corralling them into holding areas for sale or slaughter.  A great symbolic icon of American freedom, running with joy on the open land, is also about to be added to the ‘endangered species’ list.  And yes, the New Gods are right!  Some humans will be the cause of it.

On the other hand, whenever you see something unusual happening to (small) farmers and private ranchers, or the land and water rights they own that doesn’t seem quiet right, it’s because of some obscure ‘endangered’ animal or fish you never heard of that has recently appeared on the list that ‘they’ create.  What is underway is the plot for huge land grabs in the name of that re-wilding plan for our country.  ‘They’ want to restore the earth to its natural state of wonder where no man may tread or fly over.  That is, except the water syphoning miners and drillers they will lease the land to, along with the ranges they’ll need for the 30,000 nuclear powered predator spy drones that are soon to be unleashed over all our heads.

INVASIVE SPECIES:  I guess humans are soon to be listed in this new ‘to be destroyed’ category.  According to The Gods, humanity is the scourge of our earth and the cause of its eminent demise.  Excuse me, but isn’t contaminating real food crops, seeds, and replacing age old farming methods with laboratory seeds that are man made, using spliced and diced gene codes invasive to mother nature?    They never required testing, or environmental studies, or informing the public that they were going to be consuming vast amounts of Frankenfood??  Why?  Why was the infiltration of this technology hidden from view?  Why were/are covert means used to spread this invasive species of life all over the earth?  Why the need for billion dollar lawsuits brought by million dollar lawyers against any entity that dared to study and report, ban, or even label these killer foods?   Why the need to smash down small and independent farmers who merely wanted to continue their crop growing and lives as they were, without being invaded (spied and trespassed on, then sued by Monsanto, the GMO giant)?  The latest despicable display from The Gods was watching while farmers put their own livestock, on their own land, in the sites of their own firearms, and pulled the trigger!  This atrocity was forced by the USDA on a Michigan farmer because his pigs were not the ‘right’ color and might someday escape the farms fences and turn feral!!!   How many times do we have to ask ourselves what country or planet we are living on?

THE TRUTH: WE are destined to be the newly listed endangered species! According to The Gods, we are now the earth’s invasive species that must also be gunned down, as this report by Jurriaan Maessen from their current (newly named SD21+) Agenda 21 conference in Rio de Janeiro shows:  (emphasis mine)

Their joint statement titled “ HYPERLINK “” Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to Act” was clearly designed to inspire the UN and its upcoming confab to make haste with global government. In their manifesto the impatient fiends call for a global implementation of population policies and rights being trampled upon in order to address what they call “the population issue”:

“The population issue should be urgently addressed by education and empowerment of women, including in the work-force and in rights, ownership and inheritance; health care of children and the elderly; and making modern contraception accessible to all.”, they write.

“Globally, we must find better means to agree and implement measures to achieve collective goals.”

The authors go on to assert that “in the face of an absolutely unprecedented emergency, society has no choice but to take dramatic action to avert a collapse of civilization. Either we will change our ways and build an entirely new kind of global society, or they will be changed for us.”

Decrying that “funding (for worldwide fertility control) decreased by 30% between 1995 and 2008, not least as a result of legislative pressure from the religious right in the USA and elsewhere”, the authors call for “education and planning needed to foster and achieve a sustainable human population and lifestyles.”

Now what do you think this means exactly, a sustainable human population? James Lovelock in 2009 gave us the answer, calling for the culling of the population with a desired outcome of 1 billion people worldwide.

Of all the eco-fascists penning down proposals, Paul Ehrlich may be considered the most bloodthirsty of the bunch- with his continuing insistence on massive population reduction. Few people need to be reminded of the words he wrote in Ecoscience which he  HYPERLINK “” co-authored with John P. Holdren, the current White House science czar. To highlight a few of these:

“Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.”

While Rome burns, as a result of The Gods self-created destruction, this is what these lunatics are plotting, planning, and desperate to implement.  They know the world is onto them, and watching in amusement while they spew their grand ideas to control and fleece the rest of us forever. It seems they’ve become fed up with ‘leaders’ who are not getting rid of us quickly enough with their recommended covert soft means.  They have taken matters into their own hands with little attempt to hide what is up.  The list of attack methods is now there for everyone to see, if they will only look!   Every manner of poison is being employed.  I won’t bore you with that list, as I have done that already in a previous column titled “They Want Us Dead-Red Alert America”.  This small group of demons can’t see past their wallets, which contain their hearts, their souls, and their gargantuan hubris of being the all powerful Gods.  If we want to defeat them, before they destroy us, is aiming for the back pocket all we have to do?  Would the real God please stand up!