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Dec. 12, 2011

  Many people have observed, including myself have seen is the tyrants moving fast to crack down on the population. They are not doing this out of confidence or enthusiasm. They are not making their move because they are not following a plan to the letter that was crafted behind closed doors on a timeline. Maybe their is another reason. It is desperation because they have a lot to lose if they are defeated. That is their personal freedom being lost fearing serving time in jail for their crimes. They are sensing the people are waking up in America to their criminal acts. They are sensing the fact of losing control of the population because the government lies too much.


              They have no credibility with the voters anymore because it is the same old business as usual no matter which party is in power. They are seeing a brewing discontent coming from the people that is unstoppable. They do not know if it will be a violent or a peaceful push back against the authoritarians. When there is an action, there is an opposite, equal and greater reaction. It is not visible in the media, or they are not reporting it. The two sides are getting ready to collide real soon if the tyrants do not back off soon.


           We seen the goverment making moves to censor the internet, curb firearm sales, put draconian measures in place in the name of carbon dioxide being toxic. The congress last session passed Obamacare which is an anathema to our Constitution. Congress passed a bill for indefinite detention of American citizens without due process for no reason and the FEMA camps being activated. The Patriot act has not been repealed but extended. The TSA is getting more brazen with airline travelers. These are moves out of desperation of the US goverment that knows a push back is coming soon from the people.


           People are tired of the bailouts, the want no more wars and want to be left alone when going to the airport to board a plane. The TSA thinks it must take more evasive measures to keep us safe. The truth is our wives, daughter,  even our grandmothers in diapers are not safe from these federal perverts. Our luggage is not secure from these thieves, nor are our thoughts kept to themselves because of behavior detection specialist might interrogate us because a bad traffic on the highway made us upset in route to the airport. The people are tired being treated like criminals for no reason while the goverment are the lawless thugs who claims to care about us.


Here are the signs that are showing of a citizen resistance brewing among the American people.


-Gun Sales are up at a record level


-No one is flying


-County Sheriffs are starting resist the Federal Government's illegal incursion into their counties.(Google California Sheriff resist the EPA)


-We have the occupy American movement growing. The more the police try to crack down against the protesters. the more they grow in numbers against the system.


-People are not filing their income taxes returns.


- Militias are being formed in all 50 states at a record pace.


-People during the last US census did not cooperate with filling out those forms, the people just refused to answer those evasive questions.


- The President has a lower approval rating then Jimmy Carter.


-Congress has only a nine percent approval rating.


- People are withdrawing the money from the banks.


-People are growing home gardens resisting Federal law.


- Farmers are not participation in the NAIS premise animal identification program.


-Ron Paul is gaining momentum no matter


- The main stream media is losing credibility and going to alternative media sites for their news and information.


-People are paying in cash more then using debit or credit cards.


-People curse big sister in Wal Mart checkout lines seeing Big Sister is telling us to spy on our neighbors.


-More local governments are declining federal grant money more and more.


-Fluoride is being removed from the water in many cities nationwide because of the public outcry. 


-People who work inside goverment leaking information to the public, without these brave souls. We would have been met with disaster a long time ago.



              People are voting with their wallets and their feet. The Federal goverment is trying to scare people into submission with fear and intimidation. People are about to push back against this Government that has become a law onto themselves. I do not know what will set if off were the people will push back. No matter what the goverment tries to throw back at the people will not be enough. Not all the military, police and bureaucrats are not all on board with these tyrants. Besides the government does not have the manpower with all the police and military; foreign troops or not will not be able to quell the people's anger. Something is going to trigger a major push back. These delusional people will learn the hard way of we are not their slaves and we will not obey them anymore. With the national discontent against this lawless goverment and ineffective congress not keeping the Presidents power in check, When the court no longer upholds the law and protects the people from goverment fraud. When our elected servants fail us or refuse to do their jobs. That is the time we know we cannot rely on goverment anymore because they serve another master that wages war against us. We are the only ones who can take this country back, the responsibility has been ours all along. Now arise.