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Jesse Ventura Discusses 63 Documents the Government Does Not Want You To Read

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Jesse Ventura and Dr. Stan Monteith June 8 2011

Discussion of several chapters of Ventura's book


"63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want

You to Read"



At 20:24: Operation Northwoods - CIA planned to

shoot down American plane and blame it on Cuba, so people

 would support a war.  Kennedy would not agree

to this plan.

At 25:36: A  think tank after cold war on how to make


 the US the only super power, determined that to be in

control of Middle Eastern oil, we needed a presence

 in the Middle East.  They figured it would take many

years to gain this control, and the only way it could be

speeded up was with a "new Peal Harbor."

An FBI agent noticed massive amounts of Middle Eastern


men were taking flight lessons in the US. He reported this

 to FBI headquarters and to his superiors, but it was

just ignored. The documents show that the US

government was well warned.

In the past if a plane was in trouble, jets would


automatically be scramble to check out what was

going on.

On June 1, 2001, standard operating procedures


were changed by executive order of the president

(Document 46: The Pentagon Stand Down Order) 

where in an emergency, no one could go airborne

without permission of the Pentagon. A stand down

order would be in affect if Rumsfeld didn't answer

his phone.  On 9/11 Rumsfeld could not be found.

At 46:47  The Rand Report research is often used


by the government. It reports that their research

shows there is only a 7% success rate using

the military to combat terrorism.  It is 40% using

intelligence, and 40% using police work.

Report says a vein of lithium worth a trillion dollars


was found in Afghanistan.