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Tucson citizens respond to the choice by mayor and council to defy U.S. and state constitutions #ows

Alexander Higgins

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Citizens blasting the mayor and the city council for openly defying the U.S. and Arizona constitution to suppress the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Watch this entire video, as it definitely gets good as Tuscon citizens touch on a wide range of issues that have motivated them to occupy.

My two favorite parts are 1) The gentlemen citing 8 of his ancestors fighting in the 1st American revolution. 2) The gentlemen citing directly from both the U.S. and Arizona constitutions that are being openly violated. He calls out the government saying these fundamental constitutional rights are more important than some city ordinance that was just enacted outlawing being in the park after a certain hour.

If nothing else, you will take this away from this video – When when the last chapter of this great movement is finally recorded into the history books  truth, liberty and justice will be on our side.



Oct. 30, 2011