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Dick Eastman

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.They want Greek National lands and treasures privatized.  They want Greek lands.  They want the ruins of temples and the sacred groves and statues and Grecian urns -- they want the coastal seas, cleared of common people and tourists as the prime beachfront coast of  was conveniently vacated for them by the Indonesian tsunami resulting from the  Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in 2004. 
No one speaks up with an accurate descriptive statement of exactly what is happening.  Greece must give up everything -- debt slavery and the tax slavery that follows their government's debt slavery and their loss of all productive capacity by bankruptcy.  Evicted from their own lands  -- and for the reasons I have made clear to you:  net interest drain in a system where the only money -- the only means of buying, hiring and paying debts -- is itself loan money that must be paid back in interest.  I won't explain it again.  Explaining to you does no good.  Your problem is not ignorance of the situation.
And what about Afghanistan -- the American news media are full of a story so impossible that no once challenges it.  No one speaks up about how utterly impossible and absurd it is.  You could be no more silent than if the Money Power had sent a hit-man to hold a gun to your head.  You just go on as if none of this is happening.  What am I talking about.  The former president of Afghanistan was approached by a leader of the Taliban which is led by Mohammed Omar  -- remember him?  he is the leader who threw the communists out of Afghanistan in the Reagan days, the man who when the 9-11 frame-up occured sent his condolences and offered to extradite Ossama bin Laden if the US government would simply provide the probable cause evidence to justify the extradition.  Bush would not do, but merely said hand him over immediately or we are coming in.  And so we got in the Afghanistan War.  Remember too that Mohammad Omar and the taliban were erradicate all opium from the regions of Afghanistan they controlled  -- and today the entire country is exporting more than ever with the US military and contractors  helping to protect and transport the product  --  Remember the Rothschilds were behind the China opium wars as well.   So now you know about the Taliban.  So this representative of the Taliban wanted to meet with the former president of Afghanistan to talk of peace and getting about putting Afghanistan and all their lives together again.  But when they met the meeting place was blown up.  And the US said that the Taliban leader was really a suicide bomber.  And all the news media pump out that obvious lie.  The man was killed by Mossad.  It is the most usual thing.  The Mossad killed Pat Tilman and they have been killing Americans and Iraqis and Afghanistanis all these years  -- and blaming it on one of the groups that they want to fight each other.
Everything on the news is pure Rothschild propaganda  -- all of it poison  -- all of it either covering up one of their super crimes or else setting up public opinion for a new false-flag attrocity.
And they are going to get you just like they have gotten Greece.  They are going all the way, to finish the job.  And men like me are sounding the alarm  -- but you will never reach a conclusion as long as one of their agents can confuse you -- and they are very good at confusing you.  You are incapable of spotting an honest man  -- because too long you have been compromised by dishonesty to fit into their world on their terms.
If we beat them it will take a religious fanaticism that will take death before cooperation with evil or acquiescence to evil.  And you will have to know by study, analysis and decision  who is really on your side and who is not  -- and you will never be sure  -- we don't have certainly in this world  -- but, to win, to survive, you will have to back a leader who has a program and has the courage to maintain his integrity in not betraying you to his final heartbeat.
I heard a guy being interviewed on national public radio about why the Greek government must be sold off.  I was waiting to hear his line of reasoning.  But what he gave was just the usual Rothschild-Rockefeller line -- that the Greek government wasn't sustainable. 
Don't you get it?
The Rothschilds, by being able to expand and contract money in circulation, by being able to increase lending or call in loans -- have the power to determine what is sustainable and what is not.  Therefore, we must operationally define "sustainable" to mean simply that Rothschild is giving permission and means  for a thing to exist.  But if you are of no value to Rothschild  -- and your possession of choice Greek real estate is bothersome, then you are no longer "sustainable" and you must go down.
And you and all of the media and politicians and hired think-tankers - accept that  the financial sector is owed trillions of dollars and it is up to the household sectors, the business sectors and the public services sectors with the power to tax, to determine which of those three must be vivisected and served up to pay the bill.  NO ONE QUESTIONS WHY THE FINANCIERS AND ALL THAT IS OWED TO THEM MUST ALWAYS BE FREE FROM THE CUTTING KNIFE  -- WHY THEIR SUSTAINABILITY IS ABOVE QUESTIONING.
If you don't give a damn about the Greeks, then why should anyone give a damn
about Americans?  Every man is responsible to every other man -- especially when
a nation is being mugged by the Rothschild interests.
And above all, you are going to have to stop picking your opinion molders from the menu the enemy presents you.
And finally -- all nations and all groups within each nation MUST RISE UP TOGETHER AGAINST ONLY ONE ENEMY  -- and it isn't Mexican immigrants or liberals -- its the Money Power, its Internatioanl Finance, its the people who own all the mouthpieces who drum lies into you ears day after day.
To win you are going to have to take back your own thinking and use it as a cornered animal -- to get us out of the clutches of  these ruthless monsters who so despise the nations, our religions and our values.
I know you well.  You are the ones who let the honest man of principle loose his job because of a wicked upper level person where you work  -- and you shut your mouth and did not speak up for right.  You are the ones who will watch as someone is raped.  You are the ones who allow girls to abort their children -- abortion was the great mind-conditoner that prepared you for submission to this Judeo-pornographic horror anit-civilization.
You were sent articles about social credit and about the need to repudiate the national debt and about the need for all people of all nations to get unified against the money power  -- and you did nothing.
I am no hero or leader either  -- but I know that if someone stood up I would back him up -- I would see that those I could reach knew about his program.
I doubt five people read this far  ..
Still I am right.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.