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Bully Boyz

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All this to-do about bullies in the mainstream media, has at the core of its agenda, framed in such a manner as being inappropriate;  very little to do about stopping it, or seeing it as being worthy of all the contrived attention --rather the suggested program has more to do with your being told that you are basically impotent, weak, cowardly, and unable to defend yourself from the bully, so you need to be protected by the police state,  "who always know better than you, how to deal with the bully" -- when in reality, the real bully, and the one you should be ever vigilant in standing your guard around, are the Cyborgs, Cretans, Malcontents, Derelicts, Perverts, and all around Psychos that work for the government enforcement arms, down to the city level. ~ Rod Remelin
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