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Prepare To Be Assaulted: This Government Is Out of Control!

Gary D. Barnett

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Recently by Gary D. Barnett: Peaceful Anarchy: Imagine A Society Without the State   
Lew Rockwell recently outlined what he calls the five republics of the United States. As he correctly points out in my opinion, the fifth republic began on September 11, 2001. While I agree, I think that this will also be the final republic.
I say this not because I am a pessimistic person, but because I think this country, at least as we have known it, is finished. The times ahead I fear will be much more dangerous than most believe, and in fact, worse than most can imagine.
To look at any timeline of atrocious government behavior since 9/11, one can easily see the path we’re following. It is a path that leads directly to disaster. Not the type of so-called disaster that government warns us about daily, but a real disaster resulting in the complete loss of liberty.
The USA PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, the TSA, the FDA, the CIA, renditions, assassinations, multiple and continuous wars, torture, bailouts, inflation, false flag events, secrecy, illegal searches, spying on citizens, private property confiscations, and much, much more is now commonplace! It is now considered to be a crime to grow your own food, to film the police, to sell lemonade on the street corner, to protest, and in many cases just to speak out against the State.
It is no coincidence that I am writing this on the "celebrated" anniversary of 9/11, as the hoopla over this weekend was enough to cause nausea to most any libertarian, or any critical thinker. The planned events unfolding are nothing shy of nonsense and propaganda, but they do serve a purpose. That purpose of course is to continue to advance nationalism and state worship. Everywhere one looks, every television channel, every sporting event, and every parade, the talking heads will be spewing lies and waving flags. The remembrance of that day will be evangelical in nature. It will be a banner day for politicians, as they will un-abashedly practice false patriotism, and swim in a cesspool of self-interest.
War will be celebrated, and continued war will be justified. Every event of this nature serves to promote more killing than anything else, and never serves as a time to question as it rightly should. Tempers will flare, and hatred will reign among the masses, while the innocent people in war-torn countries in the Middle East now being destroyed by the U.S. government and its minions in the military will continue to live in fear. Live in fear they must, as the unholy prosecution of unjust war by the largest imperial force on earth is upon them.
It is not only those people with darker skin and different religious beliefs in the Middle East that should fear this beast, we all should be wary. The rulers of empires and their accomplices in crime are never satisfied, and are never complacent. Their brutality and lust for power and money only grows with each and every aggression. That aggression has now come home to roost in the form of intimidation, regulation, police brutality, and a nearly complete destruction of liberty. The economy is failing, and the coming total police state seems closer at hand than ever before.
In other words, prepare to be assaulted! Those of us unwilling to accept this assault will be targeted, while those willing to bow down to authority will lose any chance to be free men. At this time, the masses fall into the latter group, and will continue to do as they are told. I hope that this apathetic behavior has a transformation of some magnitude before it is too late. After an economic collapse, the risk of massive civil unrest increases, and the danger of Martial Law, and increased police and military involvement in domestic affairs, becomes almost eminent. If allowed to escalate to that level, it will be increasingly difficult to turn the tide, and at that point, any peaceful solution will be rendered ineffective. Since only peaceful means should be used to destroy the power of government, waiting until state forces are patrolling the streets is not a viable option. Acting in advance of any economic or political cataclysm is the proper course of action.
Take heed of the coming reign of authoritarianism. While tyrannical behavior by this government is already evident, it can get much worse. We are not far away from patrolling drones watching our every move, if in fact that is not already a policy in place or being planned. We are not far away from economic collapse due to government and Federal Reserve policies. We are not far away from a global war. As this government continues to spiral out of control, these things become more possible, and more probable. We simply cannot wait any longer to stop this assault, and we must spread discontent!
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is apt to spread discontent among those who are. ~ H.L. Mencken
September 13, 2011
Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is president of Barnett Financial Services, Inc., in Lewistown, Montana.

Sept. 13, 2011