NESARA Economic, Financial, Legal Benefits Revised April 2, 2003
Some of the major purposes of NESARA are to IMPROVE the liberty, prosperity, and sovereignty of average people worldwide. All aspects of NESARA have been thoroughly researched and developed to ensure the average person’s life is improved and their financial and economic assets are safeguarded throughout the NESARA improvements processes.
People in most countries will receive bank-related debt forgiveness for credit card debt, mortgages, car loans, education loans, personal loans, home refinancing mortgages, home equity loans, etc. similar to what people in the U.S. are receiving. Credit cards issued by major merchants such as Sears will also be forgiven because the funds backing these merchant credit cards are ultimately linked back to banks.
Credit Unions are “banks” and they will have to do the NESARA debt forgiveness just like other U. S. banks. Some credit unions have signed agreements to be affiliated with banks who are U.S. Treasury banks. All U.S. credit unions will have to do this to become part of the new U.S. Treasury bank system within weeks of the true NESARA law announcement.
The BANKS and credit unions are being PAID $8,500 per credit card to zero the credit card balances out and are PAID GENEROUS amounts to forgive the car, education, mortgage, personal, refinancing, and equity loans, etc. The banks are being paid generously to do the debt forgiveness out of massive funds that have been accumulating for well over 20 years in European banks.
In most countries, there will be INCREASES in the monthly amounts of social services payments similar to what people in the U.S. will receive for Social Security retirement payments, disability payments, and family support payments, etc. within a few months of NESARA being announced. All federal government social services payments will be continued after NESARA until U.S. citizens/sovereigns/natural persons begin receiving funds from the “new prosperity” programs.
The “new prosperity programs” will be publicly announced after NESARA is announced. Eventually all people worldwide will have access to new prosperity programs. It’s time the world’s people were lifted out of “survival”. Some experts state there has been enough money in the world for the last 30 years that if the money were evenly distributed, every person would be a millionaire. Five percent of the world’s people control 95% of the world’s wealth; NESARA frees up vast amounts of money for worldwide distribution to all the world’s people except those people serving the dark agenda. NESARA initiates the distribution of vast wealth to people all across the world.
People’s pensions and investments are also being protected by the NESARA process. Most people’s pension funds are invested in some stock market investments or similar kinds of investments. There are special provisions in NESARA to PROTECT the average person’s pensions and investments. Most people’s investments in the stock markets will be worth the same relative amounts after NESARA is announced that these investments were worth immediately before NESARA. People who are drawing pensions can expect to continue to draw their pensions after NESARA without any problems.
The STOCK MARKETS, currency exchanges, and commodities markets will be CLOSED for a period of days after NESARA is announced. The White Knights enlisted contributions from the world’s best experts in economics and banking systems regarding how this WORLDWIDE shift in our economies will be handled. There is an INDEX of prices of products and services which will be tied to the price of gold and which will be used following NESARA’s announcement. The prices of stocks and bonds will be protected from losing value and the major stockbrokerage firms have already set up “conversion tables” which they will use after NESARA is announced. It is expected that the price of gold will go up after NESARA is announced, HOWEVER, stocks, bonds, etc. will HOLD their value because this has already been built into the formulas.
We ALL will be receiving education via news and seminars in how the NEW economic foundations will work. Most of us have no knowledge of how economies work when the value of products and services are expressed in currency which is backed by precious metals. Most of our beliefs about how economies work will have to be changed after NESARA is announced. There will be considerable education about the new economic foundations of our economies before normal trading activities in stocks, bonds, gold, commodities, etc. are restarted.
The amount of money people have in their checking and savings accounts will be the same amount right after NESARA that was there immediately before NESARA was announced. The amounts people have in their bank accounts will be automatically valued in the new U.S. Treasury currency immediately after NESARA’s announcement. There will be ZERO loss of money in people’s bank accounts from NESARA’s announcement.
After NESARA is announced, we will be exchanging our Federal Reserve Notes for the new U.S. Treasury bills and we may do the exchanging in a number of ways. We can pay for our purchases with the Federal Reserve Notes we have on hand and major merchants and the U.S. Post Office will give us our change in the new U.S. Treasury currency. We may also exchange our Federal Reserve Notes at “certain” ATM machines where we can insert our Federal Reserve Notes and get back the same amount of money in the new U.S. Treasury bills. Finally, after the U.S. banks have re-opened their lobbies after the banks do their NESARA transition processes following the announcement, we can take our Federal Reserve Notes into banks and exchange them for the new U.S. Treasury bills. There is zero benefit in holding onto the Federal Reserve Notes after NESARA is announced, and we will be able to easily convert them to the new Treasury currency. The coins we are using will continue to be used.
Just as in the U.S., the paying of personal and corporate national income tax will END around the world in the months after NESARA’s announcement. Immediately, as of NESARA’s announcement, the IRS is abolished in the U.S. and all payments of federal income tax by individuals and corporations will totally CEASE. The only thing the IRS will do is process REFUNDS for some months after NESARA is announced. Some IRS personnel and facilities will be transferred to the new activities of collecting and processing the new national sales tax which NESARA initiates to raise funds to pay for government services.
Because NESARA abolishes the Federal Reserve System and provides for the buyout of all shares and facilities of the Federal Reserve corporation by the U.S. Treasury, NESARA immediately wipes out over 90% of the U.S. national debt. The Federal Reserve System’s charges of fees and interest are the MAIN CAUSE of the U.S. national debt and therefore after the buyout, the government can wipe out over 90% of the debt. For anyone who does not understand the truth behind the Federal Reserve System, I suggest you read the Dove Report entitled “NESARA Brings Prosperity; Fed. Res. is Private Corp” and dated December 5, 2002. You may find this in the Dove Reports on www.fourwinds10.com or www.nesaranow.com in the December 2002 section.
I have written about the price reductions required by NESARA over the last 30 months of writing about NESARA. Right now the PRICE of everything in our lives is based on the purchasing power of the Federal Reserve Notes which are basically ‘worthless’ fiat money that has nothing backing it but “confidence” in the U.S. government. Since Roosevelt took us off the gold standard in the 30’s, we have had MASSIVE INFLATION due to the fact there was nothing of value standing behind our money and also the Federal Reserve banking system has many “built-in” factors that CAUSE inflation.
When the White Knight Justices developed the reformations of our banking and currency system which sets up a new U.S. Treasury bank system and absorbs the physical assets and personnel of the Federal Reserve system, the Justices called together a coalition of the world’s foremost economic, monetary, and banking experts, as well as experts in Constitutional Law. One of the major tasks was to REMOVE the INFLATION from the prices of everything we buy. The decision was made to REPRICE everything so that we start with a NEW price structure and an economy where the VALUE of everything is supported by NEW precious metals backed currency.
The Justices and their coalitions of economic, monetary, and banking experts have met with the heads of nearly all governments worldwide to discuss these issues and have contractual agreements signed by heads of all these governments stating that their country will also make these changes within FOUR months of the true NESARA law being announced. When the true NESARA law is announced, there will be many follow-up press conferences regarding the DETAILS about how the new pricing structures will work. Basically within 30 days of NESARA’s announcement, PRICES on most products and services will be REDUCED in the U.S. to ten percent of what they are now. A month after NESARA is announced, a new television which currently is priced at $350 will be repriced to $35 purchase price.
The White Knights have had the top experts in all fields provide input and when ALL prices of ALL items are adjusted downward about one month after the true NESARA is announced, there will be similar adjustments in the prices of stocks and bonds. Stocks and bonds WILL KEEP their value because EVERYTHING is being repriced. The repricing of stocks and bonds will be just like the repricing of milk, eggs, and bread in the supermarket. Instead of paying about $4 for a gallon of milk, we will pay 40 cents when the price changes go into effect. Instead of paying $1.20 for a gallon of gas, we will pay 12 cents per gallon. Stocks and bonds will be repriced in the same way as other commodities we buy.
About a month or so after the true NESARA law is announced, ALL items and services we buy will be repriced to correct for the massive inflation IN PRICES of things that the Federal Reserve banking system has caused. Right now we pay for things with basically worthless Federal Reserve “fiat” money. BUT, after the true NESARA law, we will change over to our new U.S. Treasury bank system and currency and our Treasury currency is BACKED by gold, silver, and platinum! Consequently, under the new U.S. Treasury bank and currency system, there MUST be an adjustment in the current prices on items and services TO SQUEEZE OUT the inflation in current prices that is totally due to our using worthless Federal Reserve fiat money.
In addition, one of the most amazing improvements that rolls out from NESARA and across the world is all people worldwide will eventually have the same rights that we Americans have when NESARA restores our Constitution and Bill of Rights to law of the land. When I first heard about this, I wondered how this was being arranged. All I can tell you today is that it is “divine intervention” and fairly soon after NESARA is announced, the details will be revealed.
The restoration of Constitutional Law vastly improves our lives in ways that are almost unlimited. NESARA wipes out all the traitorous laws like the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act, the homeland security act, and many other laws back to 1933 when FDR took us out of Constitutional law as well as selected laws prior to 1933. Under Constitutional Law, the inventors of all the NEW ENERGY devices will be able to safely make their devices publicly available and zero government agency or corporation will be able to stop them. Alternative medical therapies and technologies can also be made available without worry of attacks by FDA agents or other government interference. There are many technologies and products which have been suppressed and the inventors of these will be able to publicly unveil these technologies and products which will help many people.
The restoration of Constitutional Law also requires that all judges, law enforcement, and others MUST attend educational seminars and learn about Constitutional Law. All courts in the U.S. will be closed for at least one month while these Constitutional Law seminars are being conducted. Any court cases in process will have to be re-filed using Constitutional Law foundations; many cases now clogging up the court systems will no longer be valid court cases under Constitutional Law. In addition, many people who have been imprisoned under UnConstitutional laws such as income tax laws, will be released from prison within weeks after NESARA is announced. There will also be educational seminars on television regarding Constitutional Law which is based on Common Law and we all will be learning about this.
Some people, such as IRS employees, will find that their jobs no longer exist or their income is decreased by the announcement of NESARA. In the U.S. ALL people who can prove their income has been reduced by NESARA will be eligible to apply for generous financial allotments which will carry them through until they have new income sources.
NESARA brings most of the world’s people increased prosperity, liberty, sovereignty, peace, and more knowledge which enables them to flourish. NESARA Yes