Jeff Bezos is about to become your pharmacist as Amazon partners with Big Pharma to DRUG America for profit
Ethan Huff
Endless media fearmongering about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has become the perfect catalyst for Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to launch his long promised online pharmacy business.
As the “second wave” of lockdowns slams a handful of states, Bezos is striking while the iron is hot – or perhaps moving right on schedule, depending on how you look at it – with the launch of the Amazon Prime pharmacy.
Instead of having to go to Rite-Aid or CVS to pick up your prescription pharmakeia, obtaining Big Pharma’s witchcraft concoctions will soon be as easy as dropping them into your Amazon cart and clicking “ship.”
Recognizing that pharmaceuticals are the biggest cash cow there is, especially as long as healing herbs remain prohibited by Big Brother, Bezos plans to add gobs of new wealth to his bottom line by becoming your digital pharmacist.
No, you will never actually get to speak to Bezos for a consultation – he does not engage with the peons – but you are more than welcome to send him your money in exchange for pills and jabs that will land right on your doorstep just as soon as their delivery guys can figure out how to get there.
None of this would have been possible, of course, were it not for the ‘raging’ plandemic, which shows no signs of letting up anytime soon, at least not before every last mom and pop shop in America is decimated, leaving behind only Amazon, Walmart, and perhaps a handful of other large conglomerates.
This planned demolition of the global economy, which some would argue is 9/11 2.0, is paving the way for Bezos, who is one of the world’s richest “men” (we used that term loosely), to become even richer while you, of course, get poorer.
Oh, but at least you will be able to get your meds without ever having to leave your prison cell, also known as the abode where authorities are demanding that you “stay” until the “virus” finishes making its rounds in some future parallel universe.
The plandemic sham is making Amazon an even bigger monopoly than it already was
If this all sounds like mockery, that is because it is. If Americans are unable to see what is really going on here, then society really has been dumbed down to the point of deserving what is happening to it.
As every corner shop goes under due to capacity restrictions and mandatory closures, big-box retailers and Amazon are going gangbusters in the revenue department.
This latest move by Amazon is just icing on the cake, as it will probably soon spell failure for the major pharmacy chains that will have a difficult time competing with Amazon’s robust logistics and monopolistic control over the supply chain.
Because our certifiably worthless Congress has done absolutely nothing to rein in Amazon by imposing proper antitrust restrictions, the world’s most evil company is rapidly gobbling up every last crumb of the retail sector.
Soon the only retailer in sight will be large Amazon distribution centers where worker drones move about the warehouse alongside AI robots in order to collect their minimum wage paychecks at the end of the week. At least you will have your drugs in two days or less, though.
“The mega-NWO (new world order) corporations take aim at thousands of privately owned small pharmacies across our land, waiting for Big Pharma and Fauci to declare your local pharmacy a ‘super spreader’ of the virus,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter, nailing it right on the head.
“A scamdemic to kill the middle class and small business, brought to you by China and the NWO elite – is there any doubt anymore?”
For more related news about the plandemic and how it is allowing Amazon and other monopolistic predators to eat up the small business sector, be sure to check out Pandemic.news.
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