Media Cartels in Meltdown Mode
Stephen Borthwick
As could be expected, Trump is turning it around – and the media is melting down. No one, though, is doing worse than fake conservative outlets like the Drudge Report and Fox News. Rupert Murdoch’s Potemkin Village is in disarray, from Neil Cavuto cutting off the Press Secretary of the sitting US President (whoa, you can’t see that, we need to curate your content!), to Sandra Smith grumbling on a hot mic that the media decides elections. Aside from ever-popular Tucker Carlson, their ratings are tanking – even CNN and MSNBC are beating them.
Not that CNN is taking things any better, with Jake Tapper out on Twitter doing a bad impression of a mafia enforcer. “Nice job you have there, Mr. Average American. Be a shame if something happened to it because you held the election riggers accountable”.
James Thurber said you can fool too many of the people too much of the time – and these news anchors and journalists are learning that lesson the hard way. The American people have decided they’re sick of playing along with the media cartels and their poisonous lies.
Meanwhile, affidavits are flooding in from contested states and lawsuits are proceeding, but most of all the American people don’t believe the “results.” Trust in the electoral process has tanked to 34 percent among Republican and lean-Republican respondents to a recent poll. Let’s remember most people aren’t honest with pollsters… how many people are left in this country who actually trust the system to work?
That’s a dangerous place for our Republic to be in. Abraham Lincoln said we shall either live forever or die by suicide. Right now, Donald Trump is the only man that can talk this nation off the ledge.