Facebook hires Chinese communists with H-1B visas to build “hate speech” algorithms to censor Americans
Ethan Huff
To ensure that only deep state-approved “news” shows up on News Feed, Facebook actively hires foreign nationals from communist China to police content using artificial intelligence (AI) and so-called “Hate-Speech Engineering.”
Writing for the New York Post, which has been widely censored ever since it published its Hunter Biden laptop bombshell, Sohrab Ahmari explains that at least half a dozen Chinese nationals currently work at Facebook in its censorship division, which is thriving like never before.
Taking advantage of the H-1B visa program, which President Donald Trump is trying to reform, Facebook imports these worker drones to do its dirty work in “teaching” the social media platform how to restrict access to “sensitive” content.
Speaking to an alleged Facebook insider, Ahmari learned that many of these Chinese nationals work at Facebook’s Seattle office. They have PhDs and are quite skilled in their trade, which includes teaching “computers how to learn and act without being explicitly programmed.”
“When it comes to censorship on social media, that means ‘teaching’ the Facebook code so certain content ends up at the top of your newsfeed, a feat that earns the firm’s software wizards discretionary bonuses, per the ex-insider,” Ahmari writes.
“It also means making sure other content ‘shows up dead-last.'”
Former Huawei employee now works in Facebook’s censorship division
Explaining how it works using Ahmari’s own Facebook profile, the insider revealed that Facebook uses a machine-learning algorithm along with neural networks to determine the order of items that appear in his News Feed.
After testing hundreds of different iterations of these rankings to see what will produce an optimal outcome, the Chinese-programmed Facebook system then produces a list that, if all goes well, successfully filters out what Facebook considers to be “borderline content.”
“What they don’t do is ban a specific pro-Trump hashtag,” the insider revealed. However, if content is deemed to be “a little too conservative,” then it ends up at the bottom of the list in such a way that the user “can’t tell its censored.”
According to Ahmari, it is perhaps “the most chillingly sophisticated censorship mechanism in human history,” and many Facebook users do not have a clue that it even exists, or that communist Chinese nationals are running it from American soil.
Keep in mind that Facebook is currently prohibited in communist China, and yet communist Chinese nationals have been brought in from the oppressive regime to police content for the American market, in direct violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution.
These same communist Chinese nationals are presumably in charge of Facebook’s “fact checking” feature as well, which arbitrarily decides which news is “real” and which is “fake.”
One communist Chinese national who currently works in Facebook’s censorship division used to be a software engineer at Huawei, the communist Chinese tech company that President Trump banned from participating in the 5G rollout here in the United States.
While some H-1B visa recipients come to the U.S. with the intent of working hard and assimilating into the greater culture, it would appear as though the communist Chinese nationals working for Facebook have a much different agenda.
“What’s to stop Facebook’s Chinese engineers from delivering their Facebook enterprise to Xi Jinping,” Ahmari speculates, Xi being the current president of the communist Chinese dictatorship.
“Globalists thought that engaging with China would make that country more open; I fear it’s making us more restrictive.”
Responding to the allegations, Facebook insists that this handful of communist Chinese nationals working for it do not have an “outsized influence” on company policy, as there are another 35,000 people not from communist China who work for the platform.
To keep up with the latest news about Big Tech censorship, be sure to check out Censorship.news.
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