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Trump Goes on Massive Twitter Tear! Here Are The Highlights

President Donald Trump had a lot to say on Twitter this weekend, going on a tweetstorm that attacked Dems for delaying the stimulus, contradicted Dr. Fauci, prodded big pharma, and took shots at Biden and Obama.
Here are some of the highlights:\
The president started off Friday with criticism against the “Do Nothing Democrats” for blocking a temporary extension of urgently needed unemployment benefits and holding back the stimulus checks that the government is ready to send to the American people.
He specifically called out Dems Pelosi and Schumer for stalling the stimulus, which he referred to as “a BAILOUT for many years of bad Dem Mgmt!” He accused them of “playing politics” and urged voters to “DRAIN THE SWAMP ON NOVEMEBER 3RD!”
Pelosi & Schumer have no interest in making a deal that is good for our Country and our People. All they want is a trillion dollars, and much more, for their Radical Left Governed States, most of which are doing very badly. It is called a BAILOUT for many years of bad Dem Mgmt!
Pelosi & Schumer blocked desperately needed unemployment payments, which is so terrible, especially since they fully understand that it was not the workers fault that they are unemployed, it’s the fault of China!
Very disappointed in @SenSchumer for blocking the temporary extension of the $600 unemployment benefits. The Do Nothing Democrats are more interested in playing politics than in helping our deserving people. DRAIN THE SWAMP ON NOVEMBER 3RD!
The Democrats are holding back the $1,200 to $3,400 (family of four) checks that were ready to be sent out!