Twitter executive EXPOSED as deep state operative who also works as a psy-op soldier in the British Army
Ethan Huff
New information has surfaced to suggest that a Twitter executive by the name of Gordon MacMillan also secretly works for the British government as a paid disinformation shill – and believe it or not, there are many others like him that have infiltrated social media.
As part of his overseeing of Twitter’s editorial coverage for the Middle East, MacMillan reportedly works covertly as a part-time officer in the British Army’s psychological warfare unit – meaning he’s paid by the British government to spread propaganda online.
MacMillan, who also oversees Twitter’s coverage of European and African affairs, has also been identified as a reservist in the 77th Brigade, a “counter-intelligence” unit that functions as a type of thought police to “combat disinformation” on social media.
“Translation: They spread pro-Western propaganda on Twitter and Facebook,” reveals Off-Guardian.org, citing excellent investigative reporting by Ian Cobain from Middle East Eye, who’s credited with unearthing this revelation.
“The unit was announced in 2015, in response – you can imagine – to a series of losses on the information warfare front, mainly re: Syria and Ukraine,” Cobain explains in his report.
For more related news, be sure to check out Propaganda.news.
The U.K. is basically paying secret operatives to police what people are allowed to share on social media
Described as “a special force of Facebook warriors” in this same report, MacMillan and other British psy-op operatives are basically now functioning as psychological warriors on social media, steering the conversation in favor of deep state propaganda while censoring everything else.
“Using creative thinking it hoped that 77 Brigade will influence the minds and shape the behaviour of the enemy and local populations,” is how a corresponding Sky News report, which has since disappeared but was thankfully archived, describes this propaganda operation.
“This has led to the early nickname ‘Twitter troops’ for the Brigade, which will be formally created on 1 April,” it goes on to explain.
A similar unit was reportedly launched in the United States back in 2011, as well as in Israel, reports indicate – the goal being to promote geo-political misinformation, subvert elections, and ultimately control the populations of the world by controlling everything they see and do on social media.
In his report, Cobain further reveals that these “Facebook warriors” also include another 1,500 psy-op agents, including both reservists like MacMillan as well as regular soldiers. It has also been revealed that British journalists are likewise being recruited into the mix.
“While clearly engaged in propaganda, the MoD (Media Operations Group) is reluctant to use that word to describe the unit’s operations,” Cobain writes.
“Instead, the British army’s website describes the 77th Brigade as ‘an agent of change’ which aims to ‘challenge the difficulties of modern warfare using non-lethal engagement and legitimate non-military levers as a means to adapt behaviours of the opposing forces and adversaries.'”
MacMillan is now trying to hide his connections to the 77th Brigade by altering his LinkedIn profile
Now that the cat is out of the bag, MacMillan is trying to engage in damage control by removing his ties to the 77th Brigade from his official LinkedIn page. But Cobain’s article, as well as this one, will continue to spread the truth, despite social media’s best efforts to silence it.
The British Army, of course, denies that it is in any way colluding with Twitter or any other social media platform to spread propaganda. But Cobain’s outstanding investigative reporting proves otherwise.
Be sure to read Cobain’s full article at Middle East Eye for more details about this groundbreaking revelation, which only vindicates everything we’ve been saying about Big Tech’s war on free speech.
You can also keep up with the latest censorship news by visiting Censorship.news.
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