A Hollywood Star Revealed a Secret About Fox News That Will Change Everything
Fox News has a giant bullseye painted on its back.
The left wants to destroy the network because it is the largest – and most successful – alternative to the liberal so-called “mainstream” media.
And now one Hollywood movie star revealed this secret about Fox News that just changed everything.
A-list Actor Russell Crowe is set to star in Showtime’s limited series, “The Loudest Voice in the Room,” where he will play former Fox News president Roger Ailes.
Fox News forced out Ailes in 2016 after allegations of sexual harassment and this TV project is a takedown of Fox News and Ailes.
Crowe appeared on Stephen Colbert’s late-night CBS show to promote the upcoming TV event.
During the interview, Colbert launched into the tired and cliché liberal attack on Fox News that it isn’t really a news network and that Ailes – a former Republican political operative – corrupted the news media by positioning Fox as an entertainment vehicle.
“I mean when he was putting it together one of the things that’s sort of shocking the other people, the other character he is talking to in the first episode, is his willingness to make it look good, make it sound good, to make it something that people will turn on regardless of the what the message necessarily is. Because some people have their back up against his willingness to turn it into entertainment,” Colbert whined.
To the surprise of Colbert’s left-wing audience, Crowe ignored Colbert’s attack.
Instead, he complimented Ailes and pointed out that the media was so much in the tank for the left that conservative Americans were starving for an alternative.
Crowe noted that Fox News was able to become the top-rated news channel on cable because it owns the space for Americans who reject the media’s liberal bias.
“Yeah, well, what he was saying, though, is that people don’t really want to be informed. They don’t want all of the details. They just want to feel informed. They want to think at some point in time in their mind that they’ve got that covered, you know? So he was playing into that. But also, you’ve got to know that, you know, Roger, many, many times over the years, said if he hadn’t have had seen a certain bias in media, then Fox News could have been the exact opposite because he was looking for the open area of the market. And it was in his estimation that CNN, that MSNBC, CNBC, you know, C-SPAN, ABC, NBC, CBS, The Times, The Post, everybody had a left-leaning bent, so to him what was available was a conservative audience that was being under served. And that proved to be very true because now you have one single news network which dominates half of the available audience,” Crowe told Colbert.
Liberals are not use to hearing comments like this in their media.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS constantly stoke fears that Fox News is a state-run media outlet despite the fact that their networks actually are willing partners of the Democrat Party.
But the truth of the matter is that the media bias – as Crowe points out – is why Fox News exists and is so successful.