Fact Check Fails: 7 Washington Post Mistruths About Trump
Gage Skidmore (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) Via Flickr
The Washington Post Fact Checks the President at virtually every claim he makes but many are now raising the question of the legitimacy of the fact checks. When these questions were finally answered we saw what everyone already knows… the fake news media putting out more fake news. Here are 7 fact checks of Washington Post fact checks against the president:
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/fact-check-fails-7-washington-post-mistruths-about-trump#tCdOcu4DYtLX8RZG.99
1.) 50 Percent Approval Rating
Working hard, thank you! #MAGA
43.3K people are talking about thisWhen Trump tweetedthe tweet featured above Washington Post decided to fact check this. They noted that they did not know what poll he used but that they found the most recent poll to be at 49%. The went on to discredit the polling organization by claiming that the organization is skewed towards Republicans.
Many issues with the fact check arise rather quickly. The poll historyfrom the daily presidential approval rating was at 50% that day. It is true that the organization leans Republican but this is only because the organization polls “likely voters” and Republicans are always more likely to vote historically.
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/1-50-percent-approval-rating#dYErsIkfqY615ksZ.99
2.) Almost Killed Obamacare
- 2019-04-16
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
By The White House from Washington, DC (P072814PS-0319) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Trump stated that there was a chance to kill Obamacare but it failed because of a few votes. The Washington Post rejected this and pushed the narrative that Trump was referring to John McCain and his vote was one of many that killed it as well as the idea it was only a skinny repeal, not a full repeal. The tweet Trump made did not name John McCain and the skinny repeal would have repealed the individual mandate which would have crippled the program The Daily Caller reports.
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/2-almost-killed-obamacare#Z5CX1EFq4fqXcawA.99
3.) The Border and The Drug Trade
- 2019-04-16
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
Gage Skidmore (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) via Flickr
Trump has stated on numerous occasionsthat closing off illegal crossings of the border would devastate the drug trade and would close much of the supply of illegal drugs in the country. Washington Post claims that this is bogus because a border wall wouldn’t stop the drugs that come from legal ports of entry and drugs coming from underground tunnels. In reality, the Washington Post has it all wrong, in 2018 according to a report by the Washington Examiner more drugs were seized at non-ports of entry in 2018 then at ports of entry.
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/3-the-border-and-the-drug-trade#lgqu4h9mWaJcb0m3.99
4.) The Jobs Created
- 2019-04-16
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
By U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region (Ready for a Dirty Job) [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Trump is often boastingabout the record job numbers that his administration has produced but The Washington Post is taking issue with it. Trump states that since the election he has created this record amount fo jobs, the Washington Post claims that his numbers are inflated because he counts from election day. This is nonsensical because Trump never claimed that these numbers came after his inauguration, he has always maintained “Since elected” as his metric for counting.
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/4-the-jobs-created#YDG01r2iYcrZyfjU.99
5.) Witch Hunt
- 2019-04-16
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
By The White House from Washington, DC (P072012PS-0298) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Trump is notorious for calling the Muller investigation a Witch Hunt and the Washignton Post has stated that this is not the truth. The Washington Post is citing the arrests and crimes uncovered by the investigation but in reality, not one crime was discovered related to Trump-Russia collusion. All those charged were charged with crimes not related to the campaign and not related to collusion in an election, most were related to lying to Congress and others were indicted on financial times.
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/5-witch-hunt#EQS7SY5F5qT2qX4R.99
6.) Obamacare is a Disaster
- 2019-04-16
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
By Obama (Obamacare) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Obamacare is a disaster is a popular claim by Trump and the Washington Post is completely rejecting it. The Post claims that Obamacare is expected to remain stable and has resulted in more people having health insurance than before. In defense of Trump’s point, The Daily Caller pointsout that premiums practically doubled and that millions of people lost their private insurance because of the program.
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/6-obamacare-is-a-disaster#ApVUqpKRsljyECey.99
7.) Building the Wall Daily
- 2019-04-16
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Trump claimed that right now the wall is being built, Washington Post pointed out that when Congress gave the Border Patrol more funding they specifically ruled out funding for the wall. However, the Border Patrol spokesman stated that they are building up walls in the weak points along the border with money from Trump’s national emergency.
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/7-building-the-wall-daily#7mVlVTUkKrFBAVc7.99