It is fast becoming a digital “crime” to even just comment on social media with opinions that the Big Tech “deep state” says are “inaccurate” or “offensive.”
Whether it is honest expressions of skepticism about vaccine safety or basic questions about the biological inconsistencies of transgenderism, Big Tech corporations want these and other “politically incorrect” responses to vanish from their platforms because of the “damage” they’re causing to the globalist narrative.
Expressing opposition to posted articles on Facebook or tweets on Twitter about the “benefits” of vaccination, for instance, now have the very real potential to land you in online “prison.” Even just responding with images of or links to vaccine package inserts, which detail the many deadly side effects of vaccines, is now regarded as “fake news” by the tech overlords, and worthy of punishment.
Right this very moment, the tech cabal – this includes Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo, Amazon, and Apple – is developing new ways to axe users from their platforms for saying pretty much anything that defies what the government claims is true or not true – because the government is “god,” in case you didn’t know.
De-platforming is the quickest and easiest way for these tech giants to silence the types of free speech they abhor, including all criticisms of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 5G wireless technology, endless war in the Middle East, the LGBTQP agenda – P stands for pedophiles – and many other hot-button issues in the news today.
“The goal of the tech giants, simply stated, is to obliterate human knowledge and enslave humanity under endless layers of engineered disinformation and propaganda that makes humans easier to control (or kill, as the climate activists are now demanding with their depopulation agenda),” warns Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
The tech giants already have mechanisms in place to punish users for “wrongspeak” with regard to controversial subjects like the transgender indoctrination of children. And it is only a matter of time before they start punishing users for other things like questioning the use of toxic glyphosate (Roundup) as a pre-harvest desiccating agent.
Talking about the dangers of 5G is another area where we expect Big Tech to start implementing crackdowns, whether that means de-platforming, shadow-banning, or complete demonetization.
As Adams warned back in 2018, this selective censorship by the tech cabal is in clear violation of the RICO Act, which prohibits organized criminal conduct like this that seeks to stamp out the First Amendment, at least online.
“The internet Dark Ages has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as ‘hate speech,'” says Adams. “What is hate speech? It’s anything uttered by a conservative.”
“Hate speech” also now includes anything uttered by anyone who refuses to accept as truth the endless lies spewed by the mainstream media about pretty much every known topic. This includes not just politics but also medicine, agriculture, science, technology, and even race.
First they claimed there’s no such thing as absolute truth; now they’re saying that THEY are the absolute truth
We are constantly being told in this post-modern society that there is no such thing as objective truth, and that “my truth” could be different from “your truth.” But this philosophical perspective is null and void the moment that “my truth” or “your truth” in any way contradicts the deep state’s “truth,” as we are now witnessing all across the tech spectrum.
Even as they hypocritically claim to support “diversity” and “inclusion,” the tech giants are prohibiting diversity of thought, and the inclusion of viewpoints that in any way violate the dogmas of not only Big Tech but also Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, Big Agriculture, Big Science, and Big Industry at large.
As you may recall from earlier this year, Facebook openly announced that sharing or posting any content about vaccines that doesn’t 100 percent approve of their use is no longer allowed because this constitutes “misinformation” and “hoaxes.” Now, just imagine that same policy being applied to all other pertinent topics in our world today and you will quickly see where this all is headed.
Big Tech’s excuse for engaging in this mass censorship agenda is that it is somehow necessary in order to promote “authoritative information.” But as Adams explains, “authoritative information” is simply a fancy misnomer to categorize deep state propaganda.
“Of course, ‘authoritative information’ means whatever propaganda the vaccine deep state is pushing at the moment,” Adams writes.
“The vaccine industry is steeped in conflicts of interest and a long history of suppressing scientists and whistleblowers who attempt to warn the public about the toxic effects of vaccine ingredients such as Thimerosal (containing mercury), aluminum adjuvants, MSG, formaldehyde and other neurotoxins that are openly admitted by the CDC to be ingredients used in vaccines administered to children.”
We are also likely to soon see “authoritative information” requirements pertaining to the issue of toxic fluoride in water supplies, as well as nutrition, supplementation, and even our very elections as we approach the 2020 presidential election cycle.
“Before long, Facebook won’t even allow any human opinions at all, and the ‘social media’ site will be nothing but AI (artificial intelligence) robots spewing official propaganda that meets the definition of ‘authoritative’ information from the globalist establishment,” Adams further warns.
For more related news, be sure to check out Censorship.news and Propaganda.news.
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