Latest chapter in Big Tech's campaign to destroy WND
David Kupelian
David Kupelian cites latest examples of Big Tech's totalitarian methods
Dear WND Reader,
Last week, longtime friend of WorldNetDaily Chuck Norris wrote a column headlined, "Photo proof that Google is shadow banning me."
After staunchly defending WND (and even quoting from a recent article of mine on Google), he documents with copious screen-shots exactly what happens when you search Google for "Chuck Norris WND." Keep in mind that Chuck Norris is one of the world's most famous and recognizable conservatives and that he is also closely associated with WND, having written a weekly column for us since 2006. Well, the search query "Chuck Norris WND" prompts the question: "Did you mean Chuck Norris AND?" Even searching for "Chuck Norris WND columns" comes back with "Chuck Norris AND columns."
Needless to say, the legendary actor, film producer and six-time World Middleweight Karate champion proceeded to deliver a number of rapid-fire (verbal) roundhouse kicks to the head of the world's most powerful company.
As you may already know, Google tries, as much as is possible, to pretend WND doesn't exist.
But then, what happens when you force the issue and search directly for WND? We'll key in "WorldNetDaily" so there's none of this "Do you mean AND" nonsense. Take a good look at what Google does with the internet's oldest independent journalism website, and still one of the most influential – a much-loved news site that was around, and thriving, long before Google ever existed.
Google takes you for a wild ride when you type in "WorldNetDaily." First – before even having the good manners to take you to WND's website itself! – Google returns the ridiculous Wikipedia article, written by rabid anti-WND folks who lead off by describing us this way: "WorldNetDaily (WND) is an American news and opinion website and online news aggregator which has been described as 'fringe' and far right as well as politically conservative. The website is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories."
Next there's the page profiling WND by the discredited hate-group Southern Poverty Law Center, which leads with this: "WorldNetDaily is an online publication founded and run by Joseph Farah that claims to pursue truth, justice and liberty. But in fact, its pages are devoted to manipulative fear-mongering and outright fabrications designed to further the paranoid, gay-hating, conspiratorial and apocalyptic visions of Farah and his hand-picked contributors from the fringes of the far-right and fundamentalist worlds."
Then comes an apocalyptic article about WND by the leftwing Salon website, headlined "Shed a tear for WorldNetDaily – or maybe don't. But the downfall of a far-right site is instructive." (Memo to Salon: We're still here.)
Next comes the Seattle Times with this headline: "Inside the spectacular fall of WorldNetDaily, the granddaddy of right-wing conspiracy sites."
Then comes "Rational Wiki," which sizes up WND this way: "WND (originally an initialism for WorldNetDaily, or as it was affectionately known to its fans as WingNutDaily or WhirledNutDaily) is a far-right website founded by the impressively mustachioed Joseph Farah in 1997 as a project of his Western Center for Journalism. The site espouses a fundamentalist, Christian, creationist worldview with a healthy dose of jingoism. … WND makes Fox News look positively moonbatty in comparison. … The scary thing is, this bilge is actually slightly influential, with its made-up bulls**t making its way out the mouths of wingnut congressmen and cable TV pundits far too often."
Then there's the Washington Post with its vicious, lengthy smear article on WND's "downfall" – published immediately after the Post's reporter learned from Elizabeth Farah that her husband and WND CEO Joseph Farah had just suffered a devastating stroke. Pretty classy, huh?
Then, to round out the first page of "top Google search results" for WorldNetDaily, there's RightWingWatch, a project of the far left "People for the American Way." RightWingWatch says this about WND: "Since California-based conservative writer Joseph Farah founded it in 1997, WorldNetDaily, now simply known as WND, has emerged as a leading online platform for conspiracy theorists, Tea Party activists and End Times prophets."
OK. Let's take a quick time-out from our survey of Google's efforts to defame, demonize and suppress the granddaddy of pro-American, pro-Constitution, pro-Christian online journalism organizations and look at the big picture.
Since the beginning of Donald Trump's presidency, I and others at WND have been reporting, documenting and urgently warning about how Big Tech is attempting to re-shape – indeed re-create – America in its far-left progressive image.
We've chronicled the endless stream of conservative, Christian and pro-life organizations that social media platforms have banished, censored, shadow-banned, de-monetized and otherwise suppressed from public view.
We've documented how the Big Tech giants anointed the reckless far-left Southern Poverty Law Center as their moral arbiter of what constitutes "hate speech" for determining which Christian and conservative voices should be banned from the public square. (WND and other mainstream Christian organizations are featured prominently on the SPLC's "Hatewatch" list along with actual hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan.)
We've shown how Google and Facebook have all but destroyed online journalism by vacuuming up an astonishing 90% of all digital advertising revenue, which long constituted the very lifeblood of independent news sites, forcing us into major layoffs, pay cuts and other painful but necessary survival strategies.
We've even reported on how multiple peer-reviewed studies show that Google has, for years now, been determining the results of elections worldwide. In fact, Google likely swung as many as 3 million votes toward Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, contends top Google researcher Robert Epstein, Ph.D., formerly editor-in-chief of Psychology Today – and a Democrat!
Yes, we've been reporting on all this and faithfully sounding the alarm throughout the Trump presidency, possibly more than any other news outlet.
Yes, WND (or as Google likes to call us, "AND") has – in addition to honestly covering all the most crucial and consequential news stories of our time – also been sounding the warning trumpets day after day, month after month, about Big Tech's campaign to replace Judeo-Christian America with another country. As such, we're doing our job as "real news" journalists.
Big Tech's two most urgent tasks right now are defeating Donald Trump in the 2020 election and making dissenting voices disappear. They're still kicking themselves for having failed during the 2016 election and don't intend to make the same mistake again. Incredibly, says Robert Epstein, Google is now poised to swing as many as 15 million votes in next year's presidential election – toward the Democratic candidate!
Not if WND can help it! We need to continue to sound the alarm and expose the efforts of Big Tech to transform America into a pathetic, fearful, conflicted, obedient, politically correct progressive version of the spectacular, prosperous and uniquely free nation it once was.
What else can I say? If you value WND, please help us. We have been suppressed, banned, defamed, sued, maligned, hacked and attacked in every way imaginable – but we're still here! I guess we must be doing something right.
Time is short, friends. This is a time for action – for all of us. Our adversaries are not holding back, and we need to not hold back either. I pray you will be inspired to join with us.
Thank you and God bless you.
David Kupelian
Vice President and Managing Editor, WND
Editor, Whistleblower magazine
Author, "The Marketing of Evil," "How Evil Works" and "The Snapping of the American Mind"