News Editors
There are no areas in which liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, or whatever they want to call themselves this week, are working for the betterment of American citizens or to advance the cause of individual liberty. Their entire existence appears to be just the opposite. That’s why they must be destroyed.
(Article by Derek Hunter republished by TownHall.com)
Rush Limbaugh, if I remember correctly, used to talk about wanting to keep a few liberals around so future generations could see that they were once real. That was in the 90s, when they still had a grasp on reality. Seems quaint now.
Now it’s as if those liberals never existed. Nancy Pelosi’s city is overrun with feces and used hypodermic needles as illegal aliens flood her state. She doesn’t see disaster, or even a problem, she sees what she’d like to bring everywhere.
To that end, Democrats are moving to destroy the ideas that make up America; everything that makes the United States worth defending.
It’s not just the so-called “Green New Deal,” the Marxist dream packaged as the answer to imaginary problems and pushed by the buck-toothed, bug-eyed Freshman Congresswoman from New York, it’s every concept they’re advocating.
A concept like eliminating cow farts and planes would have been treated like the joke it is just 5 years ago, now it’s gospel with millions of devotees. Monetary benefits for people “unwilling to work” would’ve gotten a politician run out of town, just as blatantly lying about it would have. Now a throne-sniffing media and presidential hopefuls treats its author like she’s the giver of light and not the incompetent narcissist who’s lucky breathing is a reflex because she’d forget how to do it.
Democrats preach tolerance while celebrating the hatred of Israel. They award themselves the mantle of “champions of women” while one of their own is credibly accused of rape. They actively cheer legalizing infanticide, then deny they did it. They decry racism while backing off calls for the resignations of 2 statewide officials with a history of painting themselves in blackface.
Does anyone believe Ralph Northam was a dance contest champion for moonwalking with a little shoe polish on his cheeks? Does anyone believe Mark Herring was huge rap fan in 1980 while not living in New York City? Only the same people who believe Elizabeth Warren – a woman so white, her camouflage in a snow storm is nudity – lost family members on the Trail of Tears. Which is to say no one.
Everything Democrats are is a lie, everything the advocate for is cover for those lies. And everything they are pushing is the antithesis of what made this country the beacon of liberty for the world.
I don’t know why they hate liberty, I don’t know why they seek to make this country like those people flee to come here, I just know that they do. And I know they must be stopped.
But stopping them isn’t an option; they can’t be stopped. They’re like the Terminator – they will not stop. They can only be vanquished, destroyed. And destroyed they must be.
Since there is unlikely to be an industrial sized hydraulic press in which to smash them, destroying them is going to take a little more work. They have to be exposed.
We can no longer count on the insanity of their words and actions to turn people off. The “Green New Deal” resolution read like an authoritarian kindergartener’s letter to Santa Claus, yet it was greeted by adults who should know better as important and serious. We’re too far removed from the horrors of communism in the Cold War for those lessons to resonate with voters, we’re too deep into an education system indoctrinating a generation into believing collectivism works and government is the only entity capable of delivering opportunity. Too many people believed elected leaders when they said the system was rigged against them, that there’s no point in trying.
Young people expect government to protect them, to parent them, to provide. They’ve been conditioned to despise success; envy and entitlement have supplanted the American Spirit. Liberalism has gone from being a contrary philosophy to being an evil.
It’s not enough to beat it an election or two, it must be thoroughly decimated. If it is not destroyed, it will win. If it wins, it’s over.
When addressing how to pay for the government assuming the role of providing so much in the name of saving the planet, the “Green New Deal” simply declares, “At the end of the day, this is an investment in our economy that should grow our wealth as a nation, so the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity.”
There is no lie too big to tell and no shortage of people conditioned and willing to believe it. You can’t “compromise “with that, you must destroy it before it destroys you.
Read more at: TownHall.com