Brace for the most bizarre government that Congress has ever seen in your lifetime. The Democrats installed a band of untested novices bent on adopting a socialist utopia. The House of Representatives has become a chamber of horrors that only libtard groupies could embrace and the Senate reflects the bluest of blue from metropolis and the coastal cultures. The gangland underworld families that make up the Deep State and are controlled by the Shadow Government elites have shifted tactics for electing the next generation of Federal legislators.
Idealistic "True Believers" who advocate Democrat Socialism are unable to reach valid conclusions. It is one thing to seek social improvement and quite a different fantasy that wants to save the world. The New members of the 116th Congress, especially Democrats are spreading the mindset that Bernie Sanders promoted in the 2016 presidential primary. While many pundits have exposed the destructive effects of Socialism, very few have been willing to challenge the sacred cow of Democracy.
Note the criticism used by David Leach in We now return to creating a socialist utopia in America by 2020 that condemns the methods of the radical left.
"While Democrats have become experts at using protected classes as pawns in their game of socialist chess, their plans go far beyond simple fairness. Democrats want to wipe out capitalism to create a Democratic Socialist utopia, bringing us closer to becoming the United Socialist States of America.
The next two years look to be a boon for lovers of socialism, and could usher in the dystopian America Ayn Rand wrote about in her book, Atlas Shrugged."
How far this nation has fallen from a philosophy of Liberty and actual economic achievement, into a society of entitlements rationalized upon imaginary privileges and artificially manufactured human rights, is frightening. The economic illiteracy which is the hallmark of expanding that "Free Lunch" which the producing class is required to pay for, only accentuates the demands of the underclass.
The next insight from David Catron in The classic symptoms of an “end-of-life rally” are all there, sums up the lethal outcome that awaits our country.
"The Democratic Party exhibits all the symptoms of terminal lucidity. Sometimes called “the end-of-life rally,” this phenomenon involves temporary bursts of physical and mental activity in terminally ill patients immediately prior to death. It can cruelly mislead family members, who unrealistically take the apparent improvement as a sign that there is hope after all. This is how the left has responded to Democratic gains in the recent midterms. But such episodes rarely indicate any real change in the patient’s underlying condition, and the Democratic Party remains infected by fatal strains of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), utopian socialist fantasies, and identity politics."
When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joins Maxine Waters, the new House Financial Services Committee Chair, you know that the Marxists are running the asylum. In the Nancy Pelosi House, the Democrats will go well beyond being just obstructionists. They will pass every socialist bill that fellow pinko party members put forth. The Neocon Trotskyites in the GOP Senate will be tested just how committed they are opposing the social welfare state. Even a President like Donald Trump is unable to reverse the Great Society of the authoritarian despots, who make up the bipartisan federal government.
This lesson has been hard learned by conservatives who labor in the trenches of politics. The AOC twitter crowd cheers their commitment and delight in their "so called" moral superiority. Notwithstanding such folly, these inept and poorly educated mental cripples are being used by the very establishment they rail against. The oligarchy that composes the sinister criminal establishment wants an ideological civil war and the Democratic Socialists are eager and willing to play into the hands of the tyrants.
This is the actual motivation of the ruling elites to destroy President Trump. All totalitarian regimes have the goal of keeping their population governable. The delusion that a democracy is the ideal form of government is proven false when the vote is universal. Allowing non citizens a ballot to select office holders is sheer madness.
Today's breed of Democratic Socialists aspires to become a modern day version of Emma Goldman. They often are closet anarchists but always share a latent communistic nihilism.