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The Communists are going NUTS

Jim Stone

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The Communists are going NUTS

There is an absolute media freak show going on right now, where they are hurling any accusation possible to destroy Trump. The latest was that he actively worked with Putin to subvert the United states. FACT: Instead, Trump woke people up to the communist subversion of the United States, and if he was anyone other than Trump, he'd be wiped out by the Communists by now. How lucky we were to get someone like THAT as president.

The Communists are using their tried and true tactic of "displacement", where they accuse others of doing what they are themselves doing, when the other is not doing it at all.

And there is a huge problem: American communists are proving Russia is not dead via their own accusations - Pelosi, Hillary, the MSM, ALL OF THEM are exposing themselves as corroborators with communists, including Russia in destroying the United States. They are doing this by displacing their own evil deeds - (selling secrets to Russia, Uranium One, handing out American coal assets and other assets to communist China, including all our jobs) which is the real collusion, and saying Trump is the colluder! - HEY EVERYONE, DON'T LOOK AT US, LOOK OVER THERE AT TRUMP. HE'S THE ONE COLLUDING WITH RUSSIA AND THE FBI INVESTIGATION PROVES IT!

BIG PROBLEM: If they are so hell bent on trying to accuse Trump of collusion with Russia, it only means SOMEONE IS COLLUDING WITH RUSSIA AND IT IS NOT TRUMP. Gee, who would that be??!!??

Jim Stone

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