Mike King
Every few weeks or so, for the past five years and counting, a reader will ask for comment on the persistent false allegation of Adolf Hitler having been a secret agent of the Rothschild bankers. Dismissing the claims as retarded rubbish with a few sentences of clarification is generally all it takes to reassure Hitler fans that there is no cause for alarm. All one has to do is look at the level of never-ending red-hot hatred that is still being levelled at Hitler. Seventy years after Germany's defeat in World War II, he continues to be vilified by the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) for one simple reason -- to scare people into a "never do that again" frame of mind. The Great One was true blue -- the real deal -- the genuine article.
Contrary to the idiotic claims of patriotards and assorted trolls who are known to pose as “anti-Globalists,” Hitler shut down the German, French and Austrian branches of the House of Rothschild -- a very peculiar action for a “Rothschild agent”, eh?
1 - The Daily News, Perth, Friday, 8 April, 1938, page-2
VIENNA, -- Whether ex-King Ed ward of England, the Duke of Windsor, had anything to do with it is not announced, but his Jewish friend, Austrian banker, Baron Louis Rothschild, was released today by the Nazis. But the Rothschild Bank is confiscated. The Duke made a personal plea to Hitler for the release of Rothschild and others three weeks ago. But he was given a rebuff. Hitler replied, ‘regretting his inability to comply with the request.’ 2- The Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 23 September 1939
LONDON, Sept. 22. (A.A.P.)
The fortune of Mr. Julius Rothschild, a member of the well-known ‘ Jewish banking house, has been confiscated by the German Government, states a message from Berlin.
This un-sourced nonsense about Hitler the British-Rothschild agent doesn't even merit the time that it takes to rebut it. But because more than a few truthers have bought into this lunacy and continue to repeat this lie (promoted by advertising salesmen such as Alex Jones of DisInfo Wars, among others) -- what follows is a "put-up-or-shut-up" refutation of the major points of the "Hitler-worked-for-the-Rothschilds" fairy tale and its lesser variant: "The-Rothschilds-funded-and-manipulated-Hitler."
Some of these crackpots even go as far as to say that Hitler was not just a Rothschild puppet, but an actual family member!
Claim: Hitler tried to make deals with the British. He should have known that England would ally itself with Russia rather than against it. This proves that Hitler was a Rothschild agent and false opposition.
Rebuttal: The English ruling class was NOT monolithic. Hitler's outreach was to the reasonable elements -- not to scum such as Winston Churchill and Anthony Eden.

Given that the moronic myth of Hitler-Rothschild is so devoid of logic, so utterly unsubstantiated, and so easily debunked -- one has to wonder why such claims continue to be peddled by some in the "truth movement." There are three categories of people promoting this rubbish:
1. False opposition/ Zionist trolls
2. Hitler-phobics
3. Sincere dupes of categories 1 & 2
The false opposition explanation for the Hitler-Rothschild lie is self-explanatory. There are those - the usual suspects (cough cough) - who, in an attempt to steer truth-seeking "conspiracy theorists" away from the greatness and goodness of Hitler, would have us believe that Hitler was a traitor working for the N.W.O. / Illuminati. They are deliberately poisoning the well of truth. It's that simple.
The Hitler-phobia phenomenon, on the other hand, is not the work of false opposition agents. Rather, it is motivated by the fear of "going all the way" by embracing the undeservedly toxic name of the "evil" Adolf Hitler. These weak-willed (and ad-revenue dependent) truthers will passionately (and sincerely) rail against the Globalists and their evil agent FDR, and the evil Communist Stalin. But they need to come up with a plausible-sounding explanation for Hitler's fight against the very same Globalists that they hate so much.
You see, they can't say that the Globalists were suddenly "the good guys" during World War II -- but nor can they bring themselves to admit that Hitler was "the good guy" fighting Globalism either. Perish the thought! It quite a pickle for these timid types (John Birch Society, Alex Jones, etc). What to do -- what to do?
The "Hitler-was-in-bed-with-the-Globalists" Fairy Tale solves this little problem. As the manufactured argument goes, the Globalists and Hitler were both "bad guys" who double-crossed each other! It's a very safe middle-ground for the 1/2 truth movement -- but it's a lie/error that 100% truthers should be aware of, and stay far away from.