BOMBSHELL: Connecticut Govt. Secretly Tells Health Care Workers Covid Vaccines Are DEADLY, But Withholds the Same Information From the Public
Mi,e Adams
Today we bring you a shocking true story about covid-19 vaccines, the government of Connecticut, and an open admission that vaccines contain dangerous, even deadly substances (spike proteins) that are documented and known to cause vascular damage to human beings.
It’s all admitted right in the open, in these Connecticut government documents shown below, which admit these vaccines can be fatal.
Alex Jones breaks down the horrifying discovery of the Connecticut government openly admitting that dangerous ingredients are in the Covid vaccine.
The original documents used in this research may be found at the following links: (all PDF docs)
Pre-vaccination screening form – V20 – Connecticut government website
Covid-19 vaccine ingredients list and spike protein propaganda – Connecticut government website
Since Connecticut may remove these documents in order to hide the truth, we are also mirroring these documents at NaturalNews.com servers:
Pre-vaccination screening form – V20 – Natural News mirror
Covid-19 vaccine ingredients list and spike protein propaganda – Natural News mirror
Now we know why 50% of CDC employees won’t take the vaccine!
Connecticut admits covid vaccines contain spike proteins, then claims they are harmless even while the Salk Institute confirms they can be deadly
In these documents, you will find astonishing admissions from the Connecticut government. For starters, review the graphic below which shows the Connecticut government falsely claiming the vaccine spike protein is “a harmless protein,” even while the Salk Institute’s own published research reveals, “the protein damages cells.”
The research, published in the journal Circulation Research, concludes, “…we show that spike protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function.”
As the Salk Institute further explains, “…this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.”
Thus, the government of Connecticut is lying to its own citizens and encouraging them to be injected with something that will cause widespread damage and even death:
Covid-19 vaccine ingredients include SM-102, a toxic substance known to be harmful to humans and animals
This next piece of propaganda from the Connecticut government reveals that the Moderna mRNA vaccine contains an ingredient known as “SM-102,” which is well documented to be toxic to humans and animals.
You can search any search engine to find details about the toxicity of SM-102. Look for the MSDS documents on it. We will publish more details in an upcoming article:
“Vaccine checklist” document secretly warns healthcare professionals the covid vaccine may KILL them, yet withholds this information from the public
In this third shocking example of what’s coming out of the government of Connecticut in terms of covid-19 vaccine propaganda, the government makes healthcare professionals sign a detailed warning / disclaimer that admits the vaccine may kill them. See the full document below:
I believe the benefits outweigh the risks and I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any reactions that may result from either my receipt of the immunization(s)… Neither the provisioning mass vaccination center nor any of the Released Parties shall, at any time or to any extent whatsoever, be liable, responsible or any way accountable for any loss, injury, death or damage suffered or sustained by any person at any time in connection with or as a result of this vaccine program or the administration of the vaccines described above.
This same document warns healthcare professionals that the risk of anaphylactic reactions is so high, that “medical treatment for severe allergic reactions” must be made available in all mass vaccination centers.
In addition, this document reveals the known adverse reactions from covid-19 vaccines, explaining they include:
- Feelings of impending doom
- Loss of consciousness
- Disorientation, confusion, weakness
- Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
- Flickering lights, tunnel vision.
- Changes in hearing / loss of hearing
The same chart reveals that for most of these listed adverse reactions, the State of Connecticut recommends continuing with a second dose of the vaccine, even if the first dose caused these bizarre reactions.
Here’s the graphic:
I’ve covered all this in today’s mind-blowing Situation Update podcast, which reveals these shocking truths that are openly admitted by the government of Connecticut:
Learn the truth each weekday in my Situation Update podcasts and interviews, found at: