Covid-19 vaccines cause trial participants to suffer day-long exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches and high fever
Ethan Huff
Things are going exceptionally poorly for the four major drug companies rushing to be the first to introduce a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19). Trial participants are reportedly coming down with all sorts of bizarre side effects that, quite honestly, sound far worse than what the virus itself could ever do to most people.
Luke Hutchison, a 44-year-old computational biologist from Utah, is one such participant who, after receiving a “booster” dose of Moderna’s controversial mRNA vaccine, developed a fever of over 101, along with shakes, chills, a “pounding headache” and shortness of breath. He also experienced severe pain in his arm where the injection was given, describing it as feeling like a “goose egg on my shoulder.”
Twelve hours later, Hutchison says he felt mostly back to normal, but described his horrific experience in a tweet as being “full on Covid-like symptoms” – meaning the jab caused just as much, if not more, harm than the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) itself would have in the event that Hutchison contracted it naturally.
Participants in Pfizer’s trials are reporting similar side effects, high fever, severe exhaustion and bad headaches being among the most common. In one case, a person who took Pfizer’s vaccine candidate woke up with chills so severe that he cracked a tooth while his teeth were chattering uncontrollably.
In another trial, an individual woke up with a fever of 104 degrees, which is dangerously high and possibly life-threatening. Others said the jab left their arms feeling like they had just gotten a tetanus shot, with lingering pain that persists for days on end.
“If this proves to work, people are going to have to toughen up,” one participant stated, noting that “you’re not going to be lifting weights or working out” after getting vaccinated.
“The first dose is no big deal,” she added. “And then the second dose will definitely put you down for the day for sure … You will need to take a day off after the second dose.”
Amazingly, all five of the participants who experienced these and other nasty side effects, and who were interviewed, stated that despite the horrors endured, they still believe it was worth it to protect themselves against the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19).
More news like this can be found at Pandemic.news.
Most Americans distrust covid-19 vaccines
And to think that all of this is taking place in response to an alleged “pandemic” that is, quite frankly, already over, according to a former executive at Pfizer who says that the only “second wave” to strike will be the one based on false positives and phony data.
Even so, some people continue to line right up to get jabbed, believing that by doing so they are protecting themselves and others from a dreaded contagion that is barely affecting anyone, except for those whose lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by having their businesses shut down and their social lives decimated due to continued restrictions.
The good news is that nearly half of all Americans are questioning the safety of such vaccines, and will more than likely not take any of them once they become available. This has led the drug industry to scramble for a public relations solution to quell their fears and encourage them to “stand with science.”
“I’m hearing from people who say they want other people to test it (the vaccine) first,” stated Kolina Koltai, a vaccine researcher from the Center for an Informed Public at the University of Washington.
In Koltai’s view, President Trump’s use of the word “speed” to describe the vaccine development process is not going over so well with many people, and has caused “a lot of uncertainty.”
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