The silence before mandatory vaccines
Mat Staver
There is a major push to silence ANYONE who speaks out in opposition to Bill Gates' and George Soros' global plan to trace, track, and inject "everyone" through the use of the global pandemic.
As you know, Big Tech is censoring any treatment protocol that will help people now, but may undermine the need for a vaccine in the future.
Now is the moment to fight this censorship. The public comment period at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is still open. This department, along with Congress and the Federal Trade Commission, has the authority to end this censorship of Big Tech. But the deadline to comment is quickly approaching. Don't wait to send your urgent fax to make this the hottest topic at the FCC today. Act now. - Mat
Some of the corporations that helped China develop its human tracking programs are the ones that want complete control over what you can say online. This is one reason the chilling level of censorship is much more reminiscent of Communist China then any free American system.
There are domestic and global actors who want to "reset the world," beginning with America, starting this November. People like Gates and Soros do not respect your life nor your freedom. They are eugenicists. Soros calls himself "god" and Gates wants to reduce global human population. COVID, they gush, has provided an opportunity to change the world into their image.
Presidential candidate Joe Biden is calling for a "new world order."
However, President Trump walked into this den of vipers and rejected socialism and the plan of these international kingmakers to completely remake the world's economy through this crisis. He addressed their Davos and UN summits with a call for freedom.
Almost immediately, globalist George Soros mounted a public attack against Trump. Eighteen of the 20 so-called "factcheckers" used by Facebook have known ties to Soros. Our staff has caught these checkers in multiple lies and misrepresentations. Yet they have king levels of control over what you can see and say on social media. We need to rise up and demand our freedom now, before our voice is completely gone.
Bill Gates has been pushing for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, even for infants, on his own blog. He is pushing for the COVI-pass that connects passports and national entry points to vaccines received. He is urging nations to close their borders to any country or persons that are not being forced to receive the COVID-19 vaccine once it is launched.
I want to warn you that I see all the signs of a brutal, global battle building over mandatory vaccines.
Already, social media is being wielded by these radicals to push their agenda. And they are silencing anyone that detracts from their global accumulation of power.
This background explains why Dr. Gold has been rabidly attacked for speaking the truth about hydroxychloroquine being a highly effective treatment for COVID-19. Even to the extent that these globalists justified going into her organization's website and erasing it from the internet!
Globalists desperately need power and control, and they use fear to control you. They need our light of freedom to go out so that they can push their global agenda and completely erase all dissent.
Thankfully they do not have control over Liberty Counsel Action faxes and petitions and the power and effectiveness of the system we offer you. In a few clicks you can still contact congressional leaders and hand-picked departments that can reverse this tyranny now. Send your fax today.
There are very serious attacks, not just on American liberties but on the liberties of innocent people around the entire world. Together, you and I can push back against this darkness and hold up a standard of freedom to worship God, to share good news, and to speak the Truth.
Liberty Counsel Action is successfully fighting these battles and waking up an army to defend freedom across our nation. I am humbled and grateful for the sacrificial donations of our friends and supporters providing the lifeblood to keep us on the frontlines of these battles. I invite you to partner with us again today.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting involved. And if you haven't already, check out my radio program and podcast called Faith and Freedom. This week I interviewed Dr. Gold about her personal experience with being censored for speaking the truth.
Fighting for Freedom,
Mat Staver
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854