Clinical trials reveal that more people might get symptoms and be hospitalized from Moderna’s mRNA covid-19 vaccine than from a theoretical infection
Lance D Johnson
The clinical results for the new mRNA covid-19 vaccine are in. According to US President Donald Trump, the results are promising and “looking really really good!” Let’s take a closer look at these promising results, published on July 14, 2020 by the New England Journal of Medicine. The research group irresponsibly concluded that “no trial-limiting safety concerns were identified. These findings support further development of this vaccine.”
Covid-19 vaccine efficacy depends on one-sided measurement of immune augmentation, and it doesn’t even look good
Vaccine efficacy is dependent upon one measurement of the human immune system – the development of B cell antibodies. Vaccine science focuses solely on the augmentation of B cell antibodies, even though coronavirus invades human cells (where B cells do not travel), requiring also a robust T-cell response within the cells. Preliminary efficacy studies show that the vaccine is only effective for 2 to 3 months at stimulating antibodies alone. The augmentation of this one-sided immune system approach will require up to four or five shots of mRNA covid-19 vaccine each year. This does not account for any mutations that occur in the process, which could require new developments in the vaccines and further experimentation on humans.
Moderna’s mRNA vaccine causes all human recipients to experience symptoms after second 100 mcg dose
The safety data is even more concerning, from a chronic disease and medical emergency standpoint. The phase 1 trial was carried out on 45 study participants. Fifteen participants received a 25 mcg dose; another fifteen people received a 100 mcg dose; and the final group received a 250mcg dose. Each group was administered a series of two vaccinations. After the first injection, twenty percent of the low dose group experienced mild symptoms and 13.3 percent experienced moderate symptoms. A moderate severity reaction is defined by any symptoms that interferes with normal activity, including but not limited to: arthralgia (joint ache), fatigue, fever?101.3, chills, myalgia (muscle ache), repeated use of pain medicine exceeding 24 hours, or a ?2 inches area of redness or swelling at the injection site.
The vaccine injury was more prevalent the higher the dose. The injuries became even more rampant after the second injection. After the second dose, every participant in the 100mcg group suffered from reactions. Of the group, 20 percent suffered mild symptoms and 80 percent suffered moderate symptoms!
After the second injection in the 250-mcg group, 21.4 percent suffered severe reactions that required medical attention and hospitalizations.
All of the participants in the study were healthy volunteers. If these same injections are given to people with compromised immune systems, the reactions could be life threatening. Because Moderna was able to skip through the animal safety trials, no one will know how deadly these new vaccines are. Previous attempts to develop a coronavirus vaccine for SARS caused potentially fatal lung injuries in animals.
Americans being forced to comply with dangerous mRNA vaccine
In January 2020, a little-known biotechnology company named Moderna received the RNA sequence for SARS-CoV-2. Moderna, with no licensed products to date, was promptly given approval by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to begin manufacture of an experimental mRNA therapy vaccine — the first of its kind.
Not long after, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) delivered $483 million in taxpayer funds to Moderna to speed up the process of mRNA vaccine development, making the project too big to fail, especially as the stock market hangs in the balance. Moderna had been working side by side with Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease for two years to develop a vaccine for MERS coronavirus, with no resolve. By March 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on a federal coronavirus task force that would ultimately lead the country into a state of perpetual emergencies, medical mandates, and restrictions on liberty.
At first these restrictions were promised to prevent surge capacity of ERs and ICUs, but now these restrictions are being used as coercion to force people to accept the vaccination as the only way to return to normal. “We could start talking about real normality again” in 2021 with the development and implementation of a COVID-19 vaccine,” said Fauci in a recent CNN interview.
America has been transformed into a modern-day internment camp, riddled with fear, throttled by control, and forced to beg for freedom and a sense of normalcy, as coercion for mandatory, dangerous experimental vaccination becomes a way of life. Beware Moderna’s dangerous mRNA vaccination!
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