Vaccine expected as soon as...
Mat Staver
Companies creating COVID-19 vaccines have changed their language from expecting a vaccine "next year" to now floating "this year" for the launch.
This moves a fierce battle much closer concerning which states, counties, and cities might mandate the vaccine for everyone, and which ones may say the vaccine is "voluntary" — but you will need it to get medicine, food, education, or even to leave your house.
As Big Pharma frantically works to get a COVID-19 vaccine, freedom-loving Americans need to work to limit the massive government overreach to force you and everyone in America to get a vaccine one way or another into your body. Even if you want a vaccine personally, help stand up as an ally for the freedom of those who don’t.
And remember, leading vaccine makers are using aborted fetal cell lines.
There is a growing number of state politicians who are getting ready to demand, and grooming their citizens to accept, mandatory vaccines.
You think the debate and the division over masks is heated, wait until a vaccine is developed. If you can get fined for not wearing a mask, you will face fines or may be barred from leaving your home without a vaccine.
Already politicians from New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, and many more are making statements that they will not go back to "normal" until people under their control are vaccinated for COVID-19. Chicago's Department of Public Health Commissioner Allison Arwady boldly stated:
"We are already building our plans to vaccinate the whole city of Chicago and working with others across the region on a major plan for this. We've bought syringes, we've bought cold boxes, we've planned out locations." (emphasis added)
Other governors are publicly disclosing their mask-until-you-are-vaccinated policy, such as Virginia and Pennsylvania.
Some states may try the international model from India that claims actions are "voluntary" on one hand while withholding medical care, medicines, food, schooling, activities, and travel from those who have not taken them. Already, New York removed all religious exemptions from vaccines last year. And Colorado just made it harder to get vaccine exemptions.
In addition, California, Oregon, Washington and even Kentucky (where a young couple now has to wear ankle monitors) are locking people in their homes for 14 days at a time, some of whom weren’t even tested, and some of whom will not even have the virus. This lockdown is expressly repeatable until a person takes the forthcoming vaccine.
Now is the moment for freedom-loving patriots to rise up and protect liberty now for when a vaccine is launched. Now is the moment to stop a barely tested vaccine from being forcefully injected into our bodies. We need to all stand up to demand the freedom in America to refuse the vaccine.
Make your voice heard right now if you want the freedom to choose what is best for your family.
Uber, a taxi-like company, disclosed its plan this week that gives "health officials" data on both drivers and riders "within three hours" of a request without a warrant.
Without disclosing to clients, Uber has been doing this for months. Already they have fulfilled 560 requests for information. Even our own staff has used Uber during this time.
This plan allows "public health officials" (according to Business Insider) "to view the data and suggest actions Uber should take regarding drivers or riders with confirmed cases of coronavirus, like temporarily blocking usage of Uber's services."
So now we have (usually unelected) government officials telling private companies whom to shun.
What could go wrong? A lot.
This sounds too much like China, which punishes people who do not bow to the party line by blocking them from buying train or flight tickets. Have we really arrived at the moment in America where going to an "unapproved" church service, or having a Bible study with others in your home, or being reported in public without a mask—might all be grounds to deny your ability to travel through this private/public partnership?
Already Uber is boasting about 103 million active users and how the company can manipulate their connections to that audience to contact trace people who use their services.
Now is the time to stand up to the politicians who are using your tax dollars to encourage additional contact tracing and mandatory vaccinations. Our politicians are partnering with private companies carrying out undisclosed spying on their own clients. Now is the time to stop this with your fax to governors and members of Congress to oppose invasive contact tracing now.
As of this week, there are five vaccine companies boasting their early trials "produced an immune response" or similar effects against COVID-19 in trials, including AstraZaneca/Oxford, Moderna, CanSino/Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, BioNTech, and Pfizer. The first three companies are all using aborted human fetal cell lines to produce your future vaccine.
Yesterday, the United States government promised to buy 100 million doses for 1.95 billion dollars from BioNTech and Pfizer, if it proved to be effective. Why is the government buying doses and what does it plan to do with them? Shouldn’t individuals be allowed to buy the vaccine if they want it? You as a taxpayer should not be forced to buy an unproven vaccine.
Honestly, it’s been a lot of work to follow and fact-check all the details relating to these two deeply complex, and constantly developing, stories of vaccinations and contact tracing.
I am so grateful for your support of Liberty Counsel Action. It is only because of your donations that we can cut through the talking points and expose what is really at stake in our nation right now. You are the only reason that we can seek the truth and help people all across our nation to be educated and take action to preserve our liberties today and in the battles to come.
I remain firm in the hope that through repentance, prayer, revival, and activism, we can turn our nation around.
Mat Staver
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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