Melinda Gates wants to target black people for priority covid-19 vaccines
Ethan Huff
During a recent interview with TIME, Melinda Gates, co-chair of the infamous Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, spelled out the order in which she believes people need to be vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). First in line after health care workers, she divulged, will be black people, which are supposedly more at risk of infection than others.
In order to achieve “health equity,” black people will need to be given first priority for the jabs, which are being rushed to market as quickly as possible, likely before the end of the year.
Using the George Floyd saga as the impetus behind why Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines need to be administered to black people first, Gates is encouraging the public to “pause during this time and learn as best we can from it.” And to her this means lining up the blacks to be injected with Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines before anyone else gets them.
“Even before we saw this senseless death, COVID had already started to show us gaps and structural problems in our country,” Gates is quoted as saying. “We are seeing black men die at a disproportionate rate. We know the way out of COVID-19 will be a vaccine, and it needs to go out equitably.”
Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how the vaccine industry could end up destroying itself by rushing out a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine:
Bill and Melinda Gates have been planning for this moment for 20 years
When asked how she plans to bring these plans to fruition, Gates explained that she and her husband have been greasing the wheels for more than 20 years. They set up an advanced vaccine delivery system to be used for such a time as this, and they have been working with governments to purchase vaccines in bulk for rapid distribution.
Both Bill and Melinda Gates have essentially been getting governments and other power players all around the world to sign on to a pledge stating, “We care about this vaccine getting out equitably.” And by donating to GAVI all these years, they have been effectively contributing towards the rapid push for a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.
“The first people that need this vaccine are the 60 million health care workers around the world,” Gates further stated. “They deserve to get it before anybody else. Then you start tiering.”
“In the U.S., that would be black people next, quite honestly, and many other people of color,” she added. “They are having disproportionate effects from COVID-19. From there, people with underlying health conditions, and then people who are older. Those are the ones who all need it first.”
Recognizing that the Gates family lineage is packed with eugenicists, it is hardly surprising that the “undesirables” all come first with this thing. And as for the health care workers, with them out of the way there will be no more health care system to take care of anyone.
Gates also wants to make sure that other “essential” workers are also jabbed first, including the people “who are keeping our grocery stores open for us so we can buy food, or who are making sure that food moves through the warehouses.”
To those who believe that vaccines are good and that one for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) will help society, this all sounds very noble. But to those who see vaccines as biological weapons, the plan to vaccinate everyone “important” and “vulnerable” first reveals a much darker agenda at play.
For more related news about the dangers of vaccination, be sure to check out Vaccines.news.
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