(Natural News) Albert Einstein is broadly credited with saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. By that definition, the entire healthcare profession of most of the developed world is insane. Why else would they continue to insist, year after year, that people be vaccinated against the flu, when year after year, the vaccine proves to be ineffective?
The U.K.’s Daily Mail recently reported that this year’s flu vaccine (unsurprisingly) is targeted at the wrong strains, and that the thousands of people who have already received the shot have wasted their own time and the government’s money.
U.S. publications, including The New York Times, are reporting that we are experiencing the same problem on this side of the pond.
This year’s flu season is shaping up to be a bad one. Much of the country endured a bitterly cold stretch, causing more people to be crowded together inside. The strain that has been most pervasive, H3N2, is nastier than most. And, we’re being told, the vaccine this year is particularly ineffective. [Emphasis added]
Of course, The Times immediately went on to stress that people should still get the flu shot, but then they would do that, because they seem to echo whatever Big Pharma – and its advertising dollars – want them to say.
The Mail reported that Public Health England (PHE) has officially announced that the trivalent vaccine, which is supposed to prevent one “B” strain and two “A” strains of the flu, is ineffective against this year’s two most prevalent and virulent strains: The B/Yamagata type, and H3N2, a particularly aggressive strain known as “Aussie flu.”
Between them, these two strains have placed immense strain on the resources of the U.K.’s already overburdened National Health Service (NHS).
Ambulances have recorded long delays, while A&E staff have been so busy dealing with flu patients in their casualty units, that they have been unable to transfer other patients from ambulances in order to receive care.
Health officials have noted that over 55,000 surgeries have had to be canceled because of the “extreme” additional pressure placed on hospitals by the flu outbreak. Meanwhile, dozens of hospitals have warned that there are no free beds available for new patients.
There are growing concerns that this year’s flu season will prove to be the worst in over 50 years. (Related: Proof that flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in the history of the world.)
Experts had already been warning that the flu shot is totally worthless in the oldest and most vulnerable of flu patients – those over the age of 75 – who are most often pushed to receive the vaccine as a protective measure.
According to the PHE, even though 11 million Brits received their flu shot in 2016, the number of deaths attributable to the disease increased by 40 percent. This year’s shot is set to be even more useless, with only a projected 20 percent efficacy rate.
The situation may be even worse in the United States. QUARTZ recently reported that, according to the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), this year’s flu shot is likely to only be effective in 10 percent of U.S. H3N2 cases.
QUARTZ also noted:
H3N2 is also a particularly nasty strain … To put it into perspective, back when H1N1 was making headlines as swine flu in 2009, it infected just over 51,000 folks in Australia. This year, H3N2 sickened over 215,000 Australians.
Readers need not despair, however. Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure, and the best way to prevent getting sick from any virus is to build up your immune system.
If you want to prevent the flu – and many other viruses – read the article: Bulletproof your immune system – How to not get a cold, ever.
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