Where is the Outrage? DPT Shots Associated with a 10-Fold Higher Mortality!
Dr. Brownstein
A 2017 study in Africa compared a DTP/OPV (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, oral polio) vaccinated group of children to an unvaccinated group. The authors found there was a 10-fold increase risk in death in the vaccinated group that received only the DPT shot, as compared to the unvaccinated group. If the children also received the OPV vaccine, there was a 5-fold higher death rate. All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased by 112% after the introduction of these vaccines.
Folks, I have been asking the Centers for Disease Control to do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study in the U.S. for many years. That study would answer the question whether vaccines are safe or not. If unvaccinated children are as sick as vaccinated children it would rule out vaccines as causing the epidemic of illnesses our children are suffering including asthma, cancer, autoimmune diseases and autism. But, the CDC refuses to do a study like this.
Why would the CDC refuse to do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study? After seeing what happened to the poor children in Africa, the CDC, which owns vaccine patents and receives hundreds of millions of dollars in vaccine sales, can’t risk a negative outcome study.
President Trump campaigned on draining the swamp. The stench from the CDC is right there for all to smell. The CDC epitomizes the swamp that President Trump spoke about.
Where is the outrage amongst the Powers-That-Be about this study? Where are the calls to investigate this matter further? Why do our children, who are the most vaccinated on the face of the earth, suffer more death, chronic illnesses, and autoimmune disorders when compared to any other Western children?
This is exactly why we need President Trump to appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to chair the Vaccine Safety Commission. I encourage each and every one of you to send a message to President Trump encouraging him to move forward on this issue. You can send a message here; https://www.donaldjtrump.com/contact
At my talk on May 20, 2017, in Novi, Michigan, I will discuss this topic in more detail and show you what is wrong with our current vaccine program. Furthermore, I will provide you with the newest information about what really works in holistic medicine including the newest information about ozone therapy.
To sign up for this lecture, please call: 1.800.647.5616.
Holistic Medicine For The 21st Century
Saturday, May 20, 2017
9:00 am- Noon (registration 8:30am)
Sheraton, Novi—21111 Haggerty Rd., Novi, MI
- Ozone: The Miracle Therapy
- Iodine: The Most Important Nutrient
- Hormone Balancing: Needed More Than Ever
- Do We Need More Vaccines?
- And, Much More!
- http://blog.drbrownstein.com/where-is-the-outrage-dpt-shots-associated-with-a-10-fold-higher-mortality/