According to The Daily Wire:
Manafort will also have to pay over $6 million in restitution once it can be proven how much he exactly owes.Manafort, 69, was sentenced to 47 months in prison — which will turn out to be about 38 due to time served — and three years of supervised release. Mueller recommended Manafort be sentenced to 19 to 24 years. As CNN notes, the prosecutors "wanted more time" in part because "Manafort never gave meaningful help during his cooperation with the special counsel's office, despite spending 50 hours together."
"Manafort acted for more than a decade as if he were above the law, and deprived the federal government and various financial institutions of millions of dollars," the prosecutors argued. "Manafort chose to do this for no other reason than greed, evidencing his belief that the law does not apply to him."
But, as the Washington Examiner's Caitlyn Yilek reports, Judge Ellis — a Ronald Reagan-appointeee who is a former U.S. Navy aviator — dismissed the "excessive" 19 to 24-year request as being "clearly a disparity" with Manafort's crimes.
"To impose a sentence of 19-24 years on Mr. Manafort would clearly be a disparity. In the end, I don’t think the guidelines range is at all appropriate," the judge said, adding: "I think what I’ve done is sufficiently punitive, and anyone who disagrees should spend a day in a federal penitentiary."
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/paul-manafort-sentenced-mueller-punished#hW6QDbxyBsAcW0Gv.99